Yoga For Allergies

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Yoga is an effective way to make you healthier and rejuvenate yourself. Here are some tips for all dosha-related allergies and how to overcome them.

  • Yoga for Vata

    Sun salutations, Forwards bend, extension poses, breathing exercises like alternate nostril breathing, Right nostril breathing (Surya Bheda) are good.

  • Yoga for Pitta

    Moon salutations are very good for Pitta related allergies. Moon position, Spinal twists are good. Breathing exercises are especially helpful. Chandra Bheda or left nostril breathing, Shitali Pranayama (breathing through the mouth and over the tongue), and Shitkari Pranayama are good.

  • Yoga for Kapha

    Sun salutations are the natural method for treating Kapha-related allergies. Extension positions along with breathing exercises like Kapalabhati, right nostril breathing, and Ujjayi Pranayama are good.

Yoga is an effective method to get relief from allergies. Yoga and meditation calm our body and mind and improves the immune system. Hence the overall health of the body will improve and diminishes stress and allergies.