Diet Recommendations For People With Pitta Body Type 

Ayurvedic Diet Recommendations Based On Tridoshas photo

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Pitta pacifying diet is advisable for Pitta dominant person are:

  • Consumption of foods in a moderate quantity is recommended for them.
  • Avoid salty and sour flavored foods as they stimulate the Agni in the body.
  • Cooling foods are good for controlling excess pitta dosha in the body.
  • Try to avoid oily and spicy foods for them.
  • Fruits that are beneficial to pitta body type people are mango, oranges, papaya, pomegranate, grapes, apples, watermelon, etc.
  • Vegetables that are good for the health of Pitta's body type are pumpkin, sweet potatoes, radish, cucumber, mushrooms, etc.
  • Include dairy products like butter, cow's milk, yogurt, cheese, etc should be added to their daily diet.
  • Grains that support Pitta's diet are rice, oats, wheat, barley, corn, millet, etc.
  • Plenty of cooling water is recommended like sweet juices, fennel tea, etc.
  • Spices that can be added to the daily pitta pacifying diet are turmeric, fennel, cardamom, coriander, cinnamon, etc.
  • Nuts and seeds should be included in their daily diet in a moderate quantity for essential nutrients. They are almonds, pumpkin seeds, popcorns, etc.