5 Ayurveda Recommendation To Gain Sleep Quality
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According to Ayurveda, Nidra (sleep) is an important determinant for leading a healthy life. Sleepless nights lead to various health issues like headache, heaviness of eyes, body pain, fatigue, heart diseases, etc.
Proper Nidra benefits Dhatu Pushti (growth & development of body), Gyan(learning ability), and Oja ( proper function of the immune system). Lack of proper Nidra affects physical as well as emotional stability.
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Ayurveda Recommendation
Ayurveda recommends various natural remedies that offer a peaceful and sound sleep.
- Abhyanga (body massage)
Ayurveda says that Abhyanga is the first and foremost natural way for improving sleep quality. Applying Ayurvedic oils to the entire body helps to rejuvenate your mind and body. Ayurvedic oils contain various herbs which are good for your health. Warm oil can be used for Abhyanga from the head to the soles of your feet. Coconut oil is considered one of the best oils for Abhyanga. Abhyanga can be done at home on a daily routine basis. Abhyanga helps to cleanse the skin and nourishes the entire body.
- A glass of milk
From ancient times onwards, drinking a glass of warm milk is considered a sleep inducer. Milk has magical properties for improving the quality of sleeping patterns naturally. Also, milk is rich in various nutrients like potassium, calcium, Vitamin B2, and B12, etc which are essential for staying healthy. Milk is rich in tryptophan and melatonin compounds that enable you to sleep faster and keeps you healthy.
- Keep a consistent bedtime
Ayurveda suggests that one of the natural ways to sleep peacefully is to try to follow the same time to sleep daily. Early to bed and early to rise is always an important tip to stay healthy and active. Our bedtime habits affect our physical as well as emotional well-being. Better to follow regular sleeping time even on holidays helps the internal clock of the body to fix a specific time to sleep and wake up. .
- Dim Lights
Avoid the use of bright lights during sleeping time. Light exposure before sleeping time prevents falling asleep easily. The absence of light sends a signal to the body that this is the right time for sleep. Higher light levels have been shown to suppress melatonin, a hormone that provides the body’s internal biological signal of darkness. Also, avoid the use of mobiles at least half an hour before your bedtime. .
- Medhya Rasayana
Medhya Rasayana is made with several herbs like Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Yashtimadhu, Tulsi, Mandukaparni, etc. Consuming this Rasayana before bedtime ensures quality sleep and helps to enhance your memory and cognition. .
Sleep plays an important role in your health. Sound sleep positively affects your brain function, health, hormone levels, etc. Some of the natural ways that offer sound sleep follow a consistent bedtime, drinking a glass of milk before bedtime, consuming Medhya Rasayana, Abhyanga and using dim lights in the bedroom, etc.
All the information mentioned regarding natural ways to improve sleep quality was collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication for better results