Ashta Choornam – An Overall Solution For Healthy Digestive System

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Ashta Choornam
Ashta Choornam is an Ayurvedic classical medicine beneficial for all your digestive problems. It mainly acts as a digestive stimulant, appetizer, and carminative. Therefore, it is used for disorders related to the digestive system. This miracle Ayurvedic herb helps to provide great relief from indigestion and is also used as gas relief medicine for adults. It pacifies Vata, decreases Kapha, and increases Pitta. It also increases gastric juices and stimulates bile secretion. Thus, it is helpful in the treatment of loss of appetite. Due to its carminative action, it prevents gas formation in the abdomen. Therefore, it is beneficial in intestinal gas, bloating, and flatulence. Due to its antispasmodic action, it helps to remove stomach pain.
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Ingredients And Their Benefits
In Sanskrit Ashta means eight, Churna or Choornam means powder. So as the name indicates, Ashta Choornam is a combination of eight different ingredients. The ingredients and their benefits are as follow:
- Maricha (Black Pepper Fruit)
The Black pepper fruit helps to balances Kapha and Vata Doshas and aggravates Pitta Dosha. It also helps the digestive fire. In Ayurveda, Maricha is used as an analgesic and antipyretic.
- Shunthi(Ginger Rhizome)
Shunthi helps in proper digestion, relieving constipation, abdominal gas, and distension. It is also widely used for treating asthma, cough, and cold symptoms.
- Shweta Jeeraka (White Cumin Seeds)
It acts as an excellent digestive stimulant and also promotes appetite. Shweta Jeeraka is an Ayurvedic medicine for bloating and gas. Shweta Jeera is rich in iron content. So it is used for the treatment of an anemic patient. It also promotes digestion, regulates diabetics, and facilitates weight loss.
- Pippali (Long Pepper Fruit)
Pippali is widely used for the treatment of heartburn, indigestion, diarrhea, cholera, asthma, etc. It also improves digestion and skin health.
- Ajmoda Seeds (celery seeds)
It is called parsley or wild celery. It is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for digestion problems. .
- Saindhava Lavana(Rock Salt)
Rock salt helps to balance the three doshas. It is used in gas trouble medicines. It is used in traditional medicine as a digestive, antacid, expectorant, carminative, and anti-inflammatory. .
- Krishna Jeeraka (Black Cumin Seeds)
It is also called Kalonji and is the best remedy for gastric problems. Krishna Jeera increases the Pitta Dosha and pacifies the Kapha and Vata Doshas. In Ayurveda, It is used for the treatment of gas, nausea, indigestion, chemotherapy side effects, headache, toothache, diarrhea, toxicity in liver and kidneys, conjunctivitis, inflammation, and fever.
- Hing [Shuddha](Asafoetida exudate)
The foremost function of Hing is that it improves the digestive fire and digestion. It relieves cramps and bloating too. It increases Pitta and balances the Vata and Kapha Doshas and restores the movement of Vata.
Ashta Choornam is an Ayurvedic medicine that helps to relieve indigestion and is used as a gas relief medicine and digestion churna. It is made up of eight ingredients, as the name suggests. Maricha, Shunthi, Shweta Jeeraka, Pippali, Ajmoda, Saindhava Lavana, Krishna Jeeraka, and Hingu[Shuddha] are among them.
Ayurvedic Benefits Of Ashta Churnam
- Enhances Appetite
All the ingredients in Ashta Choornam have appetizer and digestive characteristics. The ingredients in Ashtachoornam increase the secretion of gastric juices in the stomach and bile secretion from the liver and gallbladder into the intestine. Thus it stimulates the sense of being hungry and improves digestion. Regular intake of this miracle herb acts as a natural appetizer and helps in the digestion of food, improves appetite, and helps the person to eat.
- Relieves Constipation
According to Ayurveda Ashta Churnam is the best remedy to treat constipation. It increases the secretion of bile by the liver, which in turn, acts on the peristalsis movement of the intestines and liver, thereby allowing smooth fecal passage from the large intestine. It improves fat digestion, reduces the stickiness of stool, and reduces mucus content in the stool. .
- Helps Digestion
The digestive characteristics of Ashta Churna helps to increase the secretion of gastric juices in the stomach and bile secretion from the liver and gallbladder into the intestine. Therefore, Ashta Choornam is useful in the treatment of poor digestion. .
- Intestinal Gas and Flatulence
According to Ayurveda, Vata Dosha and poor digestion are the two reasons for causing excess gas. Hing or Asafoetida is the main ingredient that can manage intestinal gas and relieves flatulence due to its strong carminative potential. Other ingredients such as Ajmoda Seeds, Shweta Jeeraka and Krishna Jeeraka also help to prevent gas formation. .
- Treats Abdominal Lump
An abdominal lump is a swelling or bulge that emerges from any area of the abdomen. In most cases, it is due to the accumulation of gas in the abdomen. According to Ayurveda, it is an obstruction in the passage of Apana Vayu. Ashta Choornam clears the passage of Apana Vayu and releases the gas, which stops the symptoms of Abdominal Lumps. .
- Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatic Steatosis)
The most common causes of fatty liver disease are the accumulation of triglycerides and other lipids in liver cells, as well as low-grade inflammation. Ashta Choornam contains ingredients that have potent antihyperlipidemic properties. Ashta Choornam stimulates the liver, digestion, and metabolism. It reduces inflammation and fat accumulation in the body even further. As a result, it is beneficial in the treatment of fatty liver disease (hepatic steatosis).
- Helps to treat Arthritis
Ashtachoornam has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is extremely beneficial in reducing joint and muscle pain. It acts as a powerful treatment for rheumatoid arthritis which occurs due to the vitiation of Vata Doshas. It is also beneficial for bursitis, shoulder dislocation pain, and general debility due to fever.
- Treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)
This disease is happening due to excessive intake of food particles that are difficult to digest, unhealthy dietary choices, intake of foods that cause allergy, intake of foods low on nutrients, overeating, eating at irregular intervals, and other physical and mental factors like emotional problems, stress, etc. The use of Pippali, Maricha, and Shunthi, and other powerful ingredients in Ashta Choornam acts as an effective remedy for treating IBS. .
Ashta Choornam is an ayurvedic medicine that is beneficial to the abdomen. It balances Vata, reduces Kapha, and increases Pitta. As a result, it is beneficial in treating loss of appetite, IBS, arthritis, and fatty liver disease. It is a powerful remedy for Intestinal Gas and Flatulence, aids digestion, and relieves constipation, among other things.
Ashta Choornam Dosage
The dosage of Asta Churna may differ from person to person depending on the patient's age, severity, and condition. So you must consult with an ayurvedic doctor before using this medicine. The doctor will examine the indications and prescribe the correct dosage for a specific period. Ayurveda suggests the dosages are as follow:
- Adults - 1 to 3 grams twice a day, with lukewarm water or cow’s ghee or as specified by the ayurvedic doctor for the specific gastrointestinal disorder.
- Children (Below 5) - 250 to 500 mg.
- Children (Above 5) - 500 to 1000 mg.
- Remember Maximum possible Dosage is 6 grams per day in divided doses.
- For those who have problems with loss of appetite, Ashta Churnam should be taken before a meal. It should be taken after a meal in cases of poor digestion, abdominal heaviness, and intestinal gas.
After the consultation with your doctor, you can consume Ashta Choornam for different health issues. For adults it is 1 to 2 gm. children above 5 years are 5oo to 1000mg and children below 5 years should consume 250-500gm.
Ashta Choornam should not be used in the following health conditions:
- Bleeding disorders.
- Before and after surgery.
- Ulcerative colitis.
- Acid Reflux.
- Heartburn.
- Pitta disorders.
- Pregnancy and Lactation.
Ashta Choornam Side Effects
Overdosages of the medicine or intake without dilution with water can lead to the following side effects:
- Heartburn.
- Burning sensation in the abdomen.
- Acid reflux.
- Sour belching.
- Restlessness.
- Vertigo.
- Worsen the existing symptoms of excess pitta.
Ashta Choornam is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy used to treat digestive issues such as indigestion, gastritis, Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and loss of appetite. Overdose can cause a variety of health issues. These ingredients are loaded with health benefits. Never take this potent digestive Choornam without first consulting your Ayurvedic doctor.
All the information regarding Ashta Choornam is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting Ashta Choornam for various health disorders.