Ayurvedic Benefits Of Chitrakadi Kashayam

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Chitrakadi Kashayam
Ayurveda is a traditional medicinal system that originated in India more than thousands of years ago. Ayurveda aims to treat diseases naturally with the help of herbal formulations, oil massages, diet and lifestyle changes, yoga, and meditation.
Chitrakadi kashayam is a classic Ayurvedic formula mainly used to treat loss of appetite, piles, fever, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatic disorders, and indigestion. The herb"chitraka" is the primary ingredient of Chitrakadi Kashayam.
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Ingredients Of Chitrakadi Kashayam
Chitrakadi kashayam is a healthy combination of herbs such as Chitrak – Plumbago Zeylanica, Patha – Cyclea Peltata, Indrayava – Holarrhena Antidysenterica, Ativisha – Aconitum heterophyllum, Kutki – Picrorhiza Kurroa, and Haritaki – Terminalia Chebula.
Ayurveda recommends Chitrakadi kashayam for people who suffer from:
- Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Loss of appetite.
- Fever.
- High cholesterol level.
- Obesity.
- Piles.
- Flatulence.
Medicinal Properties Of Chitrakadi Kashayam
Chitrakadi kashayam is rich in medicinal properties due to the contained potent herbs.
- Antioxidant.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Depurative.
- Anti-obesity.
- Carminative.
- Detoxifier.
- Hepatoprotective.
- Anti-arthritic.
Chitrakadi kashayam is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, detoxifier, carminative, anti-obesity, and depurative properties.
Health Benefits Of Chitrakadi Kashayam
Chitrakadi kashayam is widely used in Ayurveda in the treatment of various health conditions.
- Rheumatoid arthritis
The anti-inflammatory properties of Chitrakadi kashayam helps to treat the pain and inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
- Liver diseases
The hepatoprotective properties of Chitrakadi kashayam improve liver function and decrease raised liver enzymes and restore the natural functions of the liver.
- Blood purifier
The detoxifying properties of Chitrakadi kashayam helps to eliminate waste elements from the blood and prevent the development of various diseases due to impure blood.
- Flatulence
The carminative properties of Chitrakadi kashayam helps in breaking down food particles in the stomach and intestine, enhance the secretion of the digestive juices, and thereby increase the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines. Hence flatulence and abdominal bloating can be effectively treated with Chitrakadi kashayam.
- Loss of appetite
The appetizer property of Chitrakadi kashayam helps in the digestion of food, improves appetite, and helps the person to eat.
- Constipation and piles
The laxative properties of Chitrakadi kashayam help in minimizing mucous and excess fat content in the stools and preventing them from sticking to the intestinal walls and hence preventing diseases like piles.
Health conditions such as piles, loss of appetite, liver disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, flatulence, etc can be effectively managed with Chitrakadi kashayam.
Dosage Of Chitrakadi Kashayam
The exact dosages of Chitrakadi kashayam vary from person to person depending on their age, gender, and health conditions. Always consult your Ayurvedic doctor before starting self-medication.
Side Effects Of Chitrakadi Kashayam
No serious health issues were reported with the consumption of Chitrakadi kashayam. However, overdosages may cause gastric irritation.
Chitrakadi kashayam is not recommended during the pregnancy period. Chitrakadi kashayam is safe to use during the lactating period.
All the information related to Chitrakadi kashayam was obtained from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before using any herbs or herbal medications.