Ayurvedic Benefits Of Kutajarishta

Ayurvedic Benefits Of Kutajarishta photo

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Kutajarishta is an Ayurvedic formula with active herbal components. Kutajarishta has been widely used in Ayurveda to cure various diseases and has infinite health benefits. Kutajarishta is a magical herb to improve your immunity and digestive power.

Diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, fever, bleeding, upset stomach, chronic indigestion problems, etc can be effectively treated with Kutajarishta. Kutajarishta is rich in astringent properties that improve the wellness of the body naturally.

Ingredients Of Kutajarishta

Herbal components that contribute healthy benefits to Kutajarishta are listed below.

  • Kutaj (Holarrhenaantidysenterica).
  • Munnaka (Vitis vinifera).
  • Mahua (Madhucaindica).
  • Ghambhari (Gmelina Arborea). .
  • Dhaiful (Woodfordia Fruticosa). .
  • Gudd (Jaggery).

The key ingredients of Kutajarishta are Kutaj, Munnaka, Mahua, Ghabhari, Dhaiful, and Gudd.

Medicinal Properties Of Kutajarishta

Kutajarishta is rich in medicinal properties like:

  • Digestive

    Helps to improve digestion and absorbs nutrients from the food.

  • Antidysenteric

    Treats dysentery positively.

  • Anti-periodic

    Helps to prevent periodic returns of diseases.

  • Astringent

    The astringent property of Kutajarishta causes shrinkage of mucus membranes and prevents pelvic ulcers.

  • Stimulant

    The stimulant property of Kutajarishta helps to improve the functional activity of some organs. .

Kutajarishta is rich in various powerful herbs with lots of medicinal properties like digestive, antidysenteric, anti-periodic, astringent, and stimulant.

Benefits Of Kutajarishta

Kutajarishta has infinite health benefits. The formula can improve immunity power and strengthen the digestive system. Kutajarishta can be used as an antiperiodic medicine. Other benefits are:

  • Treats irritable bowel syndrome

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)is a form of Gastrointestinal disorder with abdominal discomfort or pain. Kutajarishta can strengthen the intestines and provide long-lasting relief in chronic IBS. .

  • Treats diarrhea

    Kutajarishtam can reduce intestinal motility; thereby diarrhea symptoms can be reduced naturally. Also, Kutajarishta is rich in anti-bacterial properties that help to prevent bacterial infections that cause diarrhea.

  • Treats dysentery

    The key ingredient of Kutajarishta is Kutaja which is Holarrhena antidysenterica that helps to treat dysentery and bowel-related problems. The active alkaloidal ingredients conessine and conimine also protect the body from bacterial infections that cause dysentery.

  • Treats Tridosha imbalances

    The herbal components in Kutajarishta helps in bringing a balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.

  • Treats Chronic bronchitis and Cough

    Kutajarishta with Licorice and Mulethi finds it very effective in treating cough and lung disorders. The formula helps to clear your throat.

  • Treats Piles

    Jaggery is an important ingredient in Kutajarishta that helps in the treatment of piles due to its Snigdha (oily) properties.

  • Prevents worm infestations

    Kutajarishtam contains Dhataki which is very effective in treating worm infestations. Dhataki has astringent properties that help to fight various other diseases also.

  • Fever

    The potent herbal ingredients in Kutajarishta help to manage chronic fever.

The active herbal components of Kutajarishta help to treat various diseases like dysentery, diarrhea, worm infestations, piles, cough and chronic bronchitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and dosha imbalances.

How To Use Kutajarishta

  • Kutajarishta can be consumed with honey to avoid the bitter taste of this formula.
  • 20ml of Kutajarishta can be consumed by adults twice a day.
  • Children under the age group of 5 can take 5ml of Kutajarishta.

Side Effects

  • There are no side effects that have been reported with the consumption of Kutajarishta, as it is made from 100% naturally.
  • A high dosage of Kutajarishta may cause constipation sometimes.

Kutajarishta has been considered an effective Ayurvedic polyherbal tonic to detoxify the stomach, prevents fever symptoms, treats Shigella infection, and removes intestinal worms, treats chronic indigestion problems, and controls bleeding.


All the information regarding the health benefits of Kutajarishta has been collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly get the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any herbs or herbal medications.

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