Ayurvedic Principles Of Prenatal Health Care

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Ayurveda is entirely dedicated to the health and welfare of mankind through the achievement of Dharma (righteous living), Artha (wealth), Kama (aspirations), and Moksha (salvation).
The growth and development of the Garbha (fetus) depend on the health, activities, mental status, and diet of the mother. Thus, the pregnant women desirous of the virtuous child should indulge in prescribed diet and regimen termed as Garbhiniparicharya or Garbhopakrama.
Ayurveda prescribes an action plan for pregnant ladies comprising congenial food, physical activities, balanced states of mind, and plant-based medicines for the maintenance of pregnancy (Garbhasthapaka Dravyas).
As per Ayurveda the Ahara (food) consumed by Garbhini (pregnant women) will transform into Rasa Dhatu, which has trifold action to nourish a woman’s body, to help in the formation of Stanya (breast milk), and to nourish the Garbha (fetus).