Month-wise Regime:

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The requirement of mother nutrition varies according to the development of the fetus and changes month-wise.
- First month
A pregnant woman should take natural supplements like grapes, dates, and sweet herbs with milk.
- Second month
Have milk mixed with the above-mentioned natural supplements.
- Third month
Have the same sweet natural supplements, but now mix them with milk, honey, and ghee.
- Fourth month
Continue taking the same sweet supplements with milk. This time replace ghee with butter [12 – 15g] made from milk.
- Fifth month
Continue the supplement regime of the fourth month. Oil application and gentle massage followed by a bath with lukewarm water are recommended. Continue this till delivery.
- Sixth month
Continue the supplement regime of the fifth month.
- Seventh month
Mothers-to-be may feel an itchy sensation on the breast and abdomen or a burning sensation in the chest or throat due to the increased size of the fetus. Eat food in smaller quantities, frequently, and a bite of sweet something with a little ghee or oil that is easy to digest. Ensure that your salt intake during this period is reduced to a minimum. Also, avoid drinking water immediately after a meal.
- Eighth month
Eat rice prepared with milk in semi-solid or liquid form with ghee.
- Ninth month
Follow the same diet as in the eighth month. Meat soup with cooked rice gruel with ghee.
Ayurveda advised that Garbhini (pregnant lady) should take a sweet, liquid, nutritive diet with a good quantity of milk, freshly cooked rice, meat or meat-soup, butter extracted from milk, milk cooked with Madura group of drugs, and other congenial diets.