Health Advantages Of Varuni Thailam
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Varuni Thailam
Varuni thailam is a herbal oil widely used in Ayurveda to treat Parkison’s diseases, tremors of hands, necks etc. The herb Varuni is the primary ingredient of Varuni Thailam.
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Ingredients Of Varuni Thailam
Varuni (Citrullus Colocynthis), Tilathaila (Sesame oil), and water are the primary ingredients of Varuni Thailam.
Medicinal Properties Of Varuni Thailam
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Analgesic.
- Immuno-modulatory.
- Antioxidant.
Ayurveda recommends consuming Varuni Thailam in managing Parkison’s diseases, tremors of hands and necks, etc.
Health Benefits Of Varuni Thailam
- The rich antioxidant properties of Varuni Thailam can control cell damage. Hence, Varuni thailam can treat Parkison’s disease. Parkison’s condition develops when neurons die or are damaged. .
- Varuni thailam can control tremors and shivers in hands. .
- Varuni thailam can effectively treat tremors of the head and neck.
The exact dosages of Varuni Thailam vary according to age, gender, and health conditions.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects with the consumption of Varuni Thailam.
Ayurveda does not recommend the consumption of Varuni Thailam during pregnancy and lactation.
All information related to the health benefits of Varuni thailam takes from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Sharangha Samhita.