Health Benefits Of Amrithaprasha Ghritam

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Amrithaprasha Ghritam
Amrithaprasha ghritam is a ghee-based Ayurvedic medication. The ghritam can be a preparatory procedure in Panchakarma therapy and Ayurvedic medicine to treat health conditions such as asthma, cold, bleeding disorders, fever, etc. Ghee is the base of Amrithaprasha Ghritam.
Amrithaprasha Ghritam is mainly used in Ayurveda to treat various health conditions such as fever, cough, asthma, gynecological disorders, etc.
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Ingredients Of Amrithaprasha Ghritam
Several herbal ingredients make Amrithaprasha ghritam is an effective formula. Some of the primary constituents of Amrithaprasha ghritam are Ela( Cradamon), Twak( Cinnamon), Patra(Cinnamom), Madhu(Honey), Draksha(Raisins), Maricha(Pepper), etc.
Medicinal Properties
Amrithaprasha ghritam is rich in medicinal properties such as :
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Anti-microbial.
- Antibacterial.
- Anti-asthmatic.
- Immuno-modulatory.
Ayurveda recommends the consumption of Amrithaprasha Ghritam to treat the following health conditions.
- Asthma.
- Fever.
- Cough.
- Gynecological disorders.
- Bleeding disorders.
- Burning sensation.
Ayurvedic Benefits Of Amrithaprasha Ghritam
As per Ayurveda, Amrithaprasha Ghritam can effectively balance Vata and Pitta dosha.Amrithaprasha Ghritham can boost our immune system and energy naturally.
- Treat fever
Amrithaprasha Ghritam is rich in antipyretic properties that help to control fever symptoms.
- Treat asthma
Amrithaprasha Ghritam is rich in anti-asthmatic properties. The consumption of Amrithaprasha Ghritam can effectively control asthmatic symptoms.
- Treat infections
Amrithaprasha Ghritam is rich in antibacterial and anti-microbial properties. Hence the medicine can protect the body from various kinds of bacterial infections.
- Boosts immunity
Amrithaprasha ghritam is rich in immuno-modulatory properties that increase the immunity strength of the body.
- Treat Anaemia
The herbal ingredients contained in Amrithaprasha helps to improve blood circulation, treat bleeding disorders, etc. .
Amrithaprasha ghritam is a herbal medicine that can treat various health conditions such as bleeding disorders, cough, fever, asthma, etc.
The precise doses of Amrithaprasha ghrita vary from person to person, based on the patient's age, gender, and health circumstances.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects of taking Amrithaprasha Ghritam.
The consumption of Amrithaprasha Ghritam during pregnancy and nursing should be under strict medical supervision only.
The information mentioned above takes from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Ashtanga Hridaya -Chikitsasthana-3/93-97.