Health Benefits Of Tekaraja Thailam
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Tekaraja Thailam
Tekaraja thailam is an Ayurvedic oil used in Ayurveda to treat respiratory diseases such as cough, cold, etc. Coconut oil is the base of Tekaraja thailam. The significance of Tekaraja thailam was mentioned in various Ayurvedic inscriptions like Sahasrayoga.
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Ingredients Of Tekaraja Thailam
Haritaki Powder (Terminalia Chebula), Nalikera (Coconut oil), Bhringarajadi thailam are the components of Tekaraja thailam.
Medicinal Properties Of Tekaraja Thailam
Tekaraja thailam is rich in potent herbs with medicinal properties such as:
- Antioxidant.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Antimicrobial.
- Antibacterial.
- Anticancer.
- Antiasthmatic.
Ayurveda recommends Tekeraja thailam for a variety of respiratory disorders, including:
- Cough.
- Cold.
- Other respiratory conditions.
Health Benefits Of Tekaraja Thailam
Tekaraja thailam is an Ayurvedic herbal oil used to treat a range of respiratory issues.
- Treat Cough
Tekaraja thailam is rich in anti-inflammatory and antiasthmatic properties. The external application of Tekaraja thailam over the chest and throat helps reduce Cough symptoms.
- Treat cold
Tekaraja thailam's antibacterial and antimicrobial qualities make it a good treatment for common colds.
- Treat respiratory diseases
The antimicrobial properties of Tekaraja thailam are beneficial in treating respiratory conditions such as cough, cold, bronchitis, etc. .
Tekaraja thailam can successfully cure coughs, colds, and respiratory problems.
Directions Of Usage
Tekaraja oil can be applied over the chest, throat, and head to get rid of respiratory conditions.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects with the external application of Tekaraja thailam.
The external application of Tekaraja thailam during pregnancy and lactation should be under medical supervision only.
All information related to Tekaraja thailam takes from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Sahasrayoga thailayoga prakarana.