Nasya Karma In Ayurveda-Uses And Benefits

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Nasya Karma
Ayurveda is a healing system that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda aims to find out the root cause of the diseases and provides treatments by considering the body type of each individual.
Nasya is one of the signature treatments in Panchakarma therapy (five detoxification therapies in Ayurveda). Nasya is an ancient Ayurvedic practice of administering herbal oils to clear the nasal passage. As per Ayurveda, the nose is considered the door to the brain. Nasya has infinite health benefits like helping to get relief from headaches, migraines, insomnia, nose bleedings, sinus congestion, and dry nasal passage. Nasya chikitsa has a positive effect on the organs above the neck and indirectly affects the whole body. Nasya karma helps to maintain a healthy scalp also.
During Nasya treatment, special Ayurvedic oils are inserted into the nostrils followed by herbal steam compress & massage. The significance of Nasya karma has been mentioned in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures like Charaka Samhita and Susrutha Samhita.
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Herbal Ingredients Of Nasya Oil
Nasya oil has been prepared according to traditional Ayurvedic methods and is blended with herbs renowned for their support of the mind, respiratory system, and channel of prana. The herbs included in Nasya oil are rich in medicinal properties that offer immense health benefits.
- Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, that protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage. The herb has a positive effect on the respiratory system and in the mind, supporting easy breathing and mental clarity.
- Brahmi/gotu kola
Brahmi/gotu kola is known for its ability to improve memory and intelligence. These herbs help in soothing the nervous system and support the flow of prana throughout the body.
- Skullcap
Skullcap is very effective in treating trouble sleeping (insomnia), anxiety, stroke, and paralysis caused by stroke.
- Calamus (Vacha)
Vacha helps to stimulate intelligence and expression. Vacha is a rejuvenating herb because of its effect on the nervous system. Vacha helps to improve behavioural changes, memory and mental performance as well. .
General ingredients of Nasya oil are eucalyptus, brahmi, skullcap, and vacha.
Types Of Nasya Treatment
The main classifications of Nasya treatment are Pradhamana nasya, Shaman nasya, Navana nasya, Dhuma nasya, Avapida nasya, Pratimarsha nasya, and Marshya nasya.
- Pradhamana nasya
Pradhamana nasya is the process of inhalation of drugs in the form of powder through nadi yantra. The herbal ingredients used to prepare drugs for pradhamana nasya are katphala, garlic, rock salt, vacha, and maricha. Pradhamana nasya is very effective in treating diseases like nasal congestion, epilepsy, headache, sinusitis, Parkinson’s disease, and krimija siroroga.
- Dhuma nasya
Dhuma nasya is the process of intake medicated fumes through the nose and letting them out through oral routes. Dhuma nasya provides relief from diseases related to the head, eyes, and nose.
- Navana nasya
Navana nasya is the process of administering herbal oils to the nostrils of the patient and treating tridosha imbalances. Anu thailam is used in Navana nasya. Navana nasya provides relief from ear disorder, hair loss, premature hair greying, and headaches.
- Marshya nasya
Marshya nasya treats disorders associated with head and neck and ghee or oil is used in this type of nasya.
- Avapida nasya (swarasa nasya)
Swarasa nasya is practiced with the help of swarasa extracted from certain medicinal plants. This nasya helps to get relief from nasal discharge, haziness, and headache. .
- Pratimarsha nasya
This is a conventional nasya practice where medicated oils are administered through nostrils especially after exercise, head massage, and vamana therapy.
Pradhamana nasya, Shaman nasya, Navana nasya, Dhuma nasya, Avapida nasya, Pratimarsha nasya, and Marshya nasya are the different types of Nasya karma.
Nasya Karma Procedure
There are mainly three stages in Nasya karma procedure like Purva karma, pradhan karma, and paschat karma. Through nasya karma, medicated oils are reached to the main point of the brain that is connected to the centre of the nerves. From that point, the medicated oils are spread to the other vessels and nerves that help to expel ama (toxins) from the body.
- Purva Karma
Procedures in Purva karma are after intake of proper diet, patients have to undergo snehana and swedana therapy. Snehana therapy is referred to as head massage and swedana therapy is referred to as massages in specific areas such as the head, neck and face region. Purva karma helps to pacify aggravated doshas and loosens the accumulated ama (toxins) in the body.
- Pradhan Karma
This is the step of setting the body of the patient in a specific position based on the type of Nasya karma. After the drug is applied, the neck, shoulder, ears, and palms are massaged gently. Pradhan karma is practised 2-3 times a day for a week.
- Paschat Karma
This is the step after Nasya karma. Under this procedure kawalgraha, dhuma pana, and a light diet should be recommended. After administration of medicine, a gentle massage on the shoulder, neck, and face is done. During this stage travelling, alcohol consumption, sleep, anger, etc should be strictly restricted. .
Purva karma, Pradhan karma, and Paschat karma are the three stages in Nasya karma procedure.
Health Benefits Of Nasya Treatment
Nasya treatment has infinite health benefits. The medicated oils are prepared from powerful herbs with lots of medicinal properties. The formulations used for Nasya practice are called nasika kalpana in Ayurveda. Nasya karma helps to get relief from various physiological disorders suffered by individuals in their day to day life.
- Nasya is very effective in treating headaches, migraines, and sinus congestion.
- Nasya treatment pacifies vitiated doshas.
- Nasya treatment opens up the nasal passage and prevents nasal congestion.
- Nasya treatment prevents premature greying.
- Nasya helps to improve brain function by improving the oxygenation process. .
- Nasya karma helps to treat Pakshaghata (paralysis) effectively.
- Facial palsy can be effectively treated through Nasya karma.
- Hyperpigmentation (excessive pigmentation on the skin) can be effectively treated with Nasya karma.
- Disease-related to ear, nose and throat etc can be effectively treated with Nasya karma. .
- Prevents goitre, tonsillitis, and motor disorders.
Nasya karma can treat various diseases associated with the above neck.
Nasya karma should be practised under the supervision of an Ayurvedic practitioner only. Nasya karma is not advisable during:
- Pregnancy.
- Indigestion.
- Menstruation.
- Weak person.
All the information regarding the health benefits of Nasya treatment was obtained from ancient Ayurvedic resources. There are so many forms and methods of Nasya Karma, so kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to get more information about Nasya karma.
- Charaka Samhita.