Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Motion Sickness

Simple And Effective Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Motion Sickness photo

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Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness is a feeling of dizziness and nausea caused by traveling in a moving car, bus, train, ship, aircraft, etc. It is caused by repeated motion from a vehicle or any other movement that disturbs the inner ear. We all know that our brain receives signals from motion-sensing parts of the body, like our eyes, inner ears, muscles, and joints. When these parts send conflicting information, your brain doesn't know whether you're stationary or moving. Your brain's confused reaction makes you feel sick. The condition causes cold sweats, nausea, and vomiting. Women and children are more prone to motion sickness, but it can affect anyone. It is also essential to get plenty of rest before traveling and avoid drinking alcohol. If you're prone to motion sickness, dehydration, headaches, and anxiety all lead to poorer outcomes.

Motion sickness, according to Ayurveda, is caused by Vata dosha. It is disturbed by continuous sitting and movement in the body while traveling. Ayurveda recommends avoiding foods and lifestyle habits that aggravate that dosha. An irregular schedule of meals and sleep can also upset the Pitta dosha, which is in charge of digestion. To reduce motion sickness, it is necessary to balance all of the doshas in the body.

Symptoms Of Motion Sickness

Some of the symptoms of motion sickness include:

  • Cold sweats.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Irritability.
  • Inability to concentrate.
  • Increased saliva, nausea, and vomiting.
  • Pale skin.
  • Rapid breathing or gulping for air.

Causes Of Motion Sickness

Some of the factors that are responsible for motion sickness are

  • Family history of motion sickness.
  • Hormonal birth control.
  • Inner ear disorders.
  • Menstrual periods.
  • Migraines.
  • Parkinson’s disease.
  • Pregnancy.

Ayurvedic Remedies For Motion Sickness

The best way to treat motion sickness is to stop nausea and vomiting. It is happening due to certain substances that are released in the body and stimulate the vomiting center in the brain. By following Ayurvedic remedies, you can overcome the condition.

  • Ginger

    The most common and effective ayurvedic remedy for motion sickness is ginger. Ginger effectively reduces nausea, gastric activity, and vasopressin release induced by circular vection. It is preferable to take the ginger as early as possible since the vomiting back of ginger can act as a kind of ‘aversion therapy.

  • Cardamom

    Cardamom is an effective remedy for motion sickness. Black cardamom balances Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, while green cardamom stimulates pitta and soothes Vata and Kapha. For children, fried seeds of cardamom can be given with honey thrice a day and is very beneficial.

  • Sandalwood

    To control motion sickness, use sandalwood paste along with amla juice.

  • Tulsi

    Tulsi helps to control nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness by drinking the paste of tulsi seeds with milk.

  • Amala and Clove

    The powder made from equal parts of amla, cumin (jeera), clove (lavang), black pepper, and crystal sugar, mixed with honey, should be given regularly to control motion sickness.

  • Eladi Churna

    Eladi Churna helps prevent vomiting and stops throat discomfort. This Ayurvedic formulation is a herbal powder mix containing cardamom as the main ingredient and is used in the treatment of digestive complaints associated with Kapha imbalance. Thus, it prevents motion sickness and vomiting sensations, excessive salivation, etc.

The Ayurvedic remedies that will help to control motion sickness are ginger, cardamom, sandalwood, tulsi, amla, and clove. An Ayurvedic formulation like Eladi Churna is the best remedy for motion sickness.

Preventive Steps For Motion Sickness

The following steps can prevent it or relieve the symptoms:

  • Take motion sickness medicine one to two hours before traveling. .
  • Drink lots of water. Avoid alcohol.
  • Don’t read while riding in a car, plane, or boat. Look out the window at the horizon. Look at a distant object.
  • Avoid a heavy meal; don’t eat greasy, spicy, or acidic foods before or during travel. Eat small portions of plain food instead. .
  • Choose a comfortable seat. The front passenger seat is the best in the car. On the bus, choose a window seat.
  • Choose the midpoint on a boat. That means sit in the middle of the boat on the upper deck.
  • Sit over the wing on a plane. .
  • Face forward on a train. Sit near a window on a train. These seats have fewer bumps.
  • Get plenty of air. Use the air conditioner or roll down the window in a car. .
  • Lie down when you feel sick.
  • Limit your head movements.
  • Breathe in soothing mint, ginger, or lavender scents. Suck on hard candies made with peppermint or ginger.
  • Avoid talking with someone susceptible to motion sickness because anticipation makes sickness more probable.
  • Close your eyes during the twists and turns.
  • Avoid hillside travel; prefer a more stable horizon.

When you travel, some people feel motion sickness, which happens with repeated movements, moving up or down, confusing the nervous system. The eye sends different signals to the brain as compared to what the ear interprets. The above-mentioned Ayurvedic remedies and preventive measures help to overcome the condition.


All the information related to motion sickness is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before starting self-medication.

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