Want To Know The Health Benefits Of Snehana( Oleation) Therapy?

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Snehana is a classical Ayurvedic therapy that is normally done before Panchakarma therapy. Snehana is one of the 'Poorva karma' therapy in Ayurveda. The objective of Snehana therapy is to prepare the body for receiving Panchakarma therapy. Panchakarma treatment aims to expel imbalanced toxins from the body.
Snehana therapy normally takes 3-7 days that includes the application of medicated oil and ghee both internally and externally. Snehana therapy improves the elasticity and mobility of all the systems in the body. The therapy helps to alleviate vata dosha, reduces body pain and muscle pains, prevents fatigue, and treats infertility and mental imbalances.
Snehana dravyas (substances) used for this therapy are Mahua, Sarson, Priyal, Bahera, Til, Erand, Karanj, or of animal origin, such as milk, ghee, meat, fat, and bone tissue. Snehana therapy can be classified into two, they are abhyantara snehana( internal oleation) and bahya snehana( external oleation). Both abhyantara snehana and bahya snehana aim to expel toxins from the body.
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Indications Of Snehana
Snehana therapy has many health benefits. Various health disorders can be effectively treated with Snehana.
- It aids in the elimination of toxins from the body.
- It helps to treat insomnia.
- Pacify Vata dosha.
- It protects against anemia.
- It relieves joint pain.
- It helps in healing burns and wounds.
- It alleviates fatigue.
- It keeps you from becoming overly thirsty.
- It helps to treat gastric issues.
- Allergy relief.
- It aids in treating neurological disorders.
- It helps to treat eye problems.
Health Benefits Of Snehana Therapy
Snehana is a classic Ayurvedic therapy that aims to prepare the body to undertake Panchakarma treatment.
- Snehana therapy helps to expel body toxins naturally that helps to prevent the development of various diseases.
- Snehana therapy helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents various disorders.
- Snehana can boost digestive fire and makes digestion easier.
- Snehana therapy helps to pacify Vata disorders effectively.
- Snehana helps to improve the lubrication of the various parts of the body.
- Snehana therapy delays aging symptoms like skin elasticity and wrinkles.
- Snehana therapy helps to promote longevity. .
Snehana therapy helps to expel body toxins, pacify aggravated Vata dosha, strengthen the immune system, treat aging symptoms of the skin, boost digestive fire, promote longevity, and improve lubrication of the various parts of the body.
Herbal Medicines Used In Snehana Therapy
- Panchatikta ghrita.
- Ashwagandha ghrita.
- Dadimadi ghrita.
- Bala thailam.
- Tila thaila.
These formulations are found to be very effective in treating tridosha imbalances and detoxifying our body also.
Classification Of Snehana
Snehana can be classified into two; abhyantara snehana/ snehapana and bahya snehana.
- Abhyantara snehana (internal oleation)
Abhyantara snehana can be also known as Snehapana. Snehapana can be again classified into Achapana snehapana and Vicharana snehapana. .
- Vicharana Snehapana
Vicharana snehapana is the administration of fat substances through food or herbal medicines. Vicharana is very effective in pacifying aggravated Vata dosha.
- Achapana Snehapana
Achapana includes the administration of ghee, oil, or animal fat in large quantities depending on the digestive capacity of the patient. Achapana therapy is carried out to soften body tissues before undergoing Shodhana therapy. .
- Bahya Snehana (external oleation)
Bahya Snehana is the process of body massage with medicated ghrita or with herbal oils. Bahya snehana is used as a preparatory procedure before starting five cleansing procedures.
Abhyantara snehana and bahya snehana are two classifications of Snehana therapy.
Dosage And Duration Of Snehana Therapy
- Snehana therapy will take 1-7 days normally.
- Before three days of Snehana, the patient was given spicy Ayurvedic formulations like Chitrakati Vati and Trikatu churna to improve digestion and expel body toxins.
- The dosage of snehana therapy is associated with the severity of the patient's health condition and digestive capacity. .
Snehana is not advised, during the following health conditions:
- Pregnancy and the postpartum period.
- Diarrhea.
- Extreme fatigue.
- Cardiac diseases.
- Abdominal problems.
- Hemorrhagic disorders.
- Cancer.
- Weak digestion and metabolism.
All the information regarding the health benefits of Snehana or Oleation therapy was obtained from ancient Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any Ayurvedic procedures.
- Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana- Sneha Adhyaya 13th chapter.
- Sushruta Samhita Sutrasthana- Sneha Adhyaya 16th chapter.