Ayurvedic Approaches Regarding Gastroparesis

Ayurvedic Approaches Regarding Gastroparesis photo

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Gastroparesis also called delayed gastric emptying is a disorder that slows or stops the movement of food from your stomach to your small intestine. Normally, after you swallow food, the muscles in the wall of your stomach grind the food into smaller pieces and push them into your small intestine to continue digestion. But if you have gastroparesis, your stomach muscle does not work properly and your stomach takes too long to empty its contents. According to medical surveys, this chronic disorder affects 10% of men and 40% of women globally.

According to Ayurveda Gastroparesis is happening due to the vitiation of Tridosha of the body, i.e. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha. Therefore, Ayurvedic experts recommend gastroparesis patients should avoid incompatible food intake, which increases the associated dosha. As per Ayurveda Mandagni (weak digestion) is the core cause of all the ailments. Moreover, if the digestive system is not functioning smoothly, it tends to result in improper assimilation and digestion of the food. So Ayurveda recommends some changes in the lifestyle which strengthens the stomach muscles. Ayurvedic suggests three therapies named Panchkarma, Rasayana, and Shodhna along with herbal remedies and improved diet to treat this disorder. The Ayurvedic system of medicine provides long-lasting results with no side effects.

Symptoms Of Gastroparesis

The common symptoms of Gastroparesis are:

  • Nausea. .
  • Vomiting.
  • Acid reflux. .
  • Heartburn.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Bloating.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Feeling full after just eating something.
  • Changes in blood sugar levels.
  • Malnutrition.

Causes Of Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis is caused by damage to a nerve called the vagus nerve that controls the muscles of the stomach. Other factors that are responsible for the cause of Gastroparesis include:

  • Diabetes.
  • Esophageal or abdominal surgery.
  • Nervous system diseases such as Parkinson’s disease or multiple sclerosis.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Scleroderma disease.
  • Certain medications slow the rate of stomach emptying such as narcotic pain medications.

Complications Associated With Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis can delay digestion, which can lead to various complications. The complications connected with this condition are:

  • Dehydration.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Unexpected rise in blood sugar.
  • Bacterial growth is due to food that stays in the stomach for a long time.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Gastroparesis

Ayurveda provides proper management of the condition through herbal medicines along with proper lifestyle and dietary guidelines. following are the diet and lifestyle changes that provide relief from Gastroparesis:

  • Stay Hydrated

    It is better to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration as it can increase symptoms of nausea.

  • Avoid High-Fiber and add Low-Fiber Diet

    Those who are suffering from Gastroparesis should avoid high fiber food and add low-fiber food in your diet because fiber delays stomach emptying. High-fiber foods may cause the formation of the solid mass of indigestible food and block the digestive tract.

  • Avoid High-Fat Diet

    Fat can slow down stomach emptying. So avoid high-fat food and eat low-fat food, this will reduce the mealtime to stay in the stomach.

  • Avoid Foods that are not Easily Chewed

    These types of foods can increase the symptoms of gastroparesis. Some of the foods which are hard to chew are broccoli, corn, popcorn, nuts, seeds, etc.

  • Chew Well Before Swallowing Food

    When we are eating food it is important to chew the food very well for easy digestion. Solid food in the stomach is not cleaned well. This causes the problem in the breakdown of food into small particles in the stomach to pass into the small intestine for absorption which leads to the symptoms of gastroparesis. So, chew food well before swallowing.

  • Position after Eating

    Do not immediately fall asleep after eating. It is preferable to sit upright or walk for at least one hour after eating. This can aid in the digestion of food.

  • Avoid Intake of Alcohol

    Alcohol should be avoided because it can reduce gastric emptying.

  • Exercise

    Exercise is one of the best remedies to treat Gastroparesis because it can help in emptying the stomach. So it is recommended to take a walk after a meal.

  • Control Blood Sugar Level

    Increasing blood sugar level is the cause of Gastroparesis. So a diabetic patient manages their blood sugar under control; this can reduce the problem of gastroparesis. High blood sugar directly conflicts with regular stomach emptying.

Some of the lifestyle changes that are helpful to cure the symptoms of gastroparesis are staying hydrated, avoiding high-fiber and adding a low-fiber diet, avoiding a high-fat diet, avoiding foods that are not easily chewed, chewing well before swallowing food, position after eating, avoiding intake of alcohol, control blood sugar level and exercise.

Prevention Of Gastroparesis

We have to prevent gastroparesis by doing the following things:

  • Eat and drink slowly.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks and beer.
  • Discard gum and hard candy.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Check teeth.
  • Treat heartburn.
  • Eat less fatty foods.
  • Temporarily cut back on high fiber foods.

Herbal Remedies Of Gastroparesis

The herbal remedies that are effective for the treatment of Gastroparesis are:

  • Pippali

    Pippali can help in case of problems like flatulence and heartburn, as it stimulates the digestive system and boosts appetite. .

  • Amalaki

    It is considered one of the best rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It’s a strong natural antioxidant containing 20 times more vitamin C than orange juice. It helps to increase gastric emptying and possesses many antimicrobial properties. It is called the nurse herb because it strengthens the immune system and cools the body.

  • Bibhitaki

    It is an excellent Rejuvenative with both laxative and astringent properties. It also helps in maintaining healthy intestines and supports the overall health of the body.

  • Haritaki

    Haritaki has the strongest laxative powers of the three fruits contained in Triphala. It is believed to promote digestion and treat acute and chronic constipation.

  • Giloy

    Giloy balance the vitiated pitta in the body and helps to neutralize the excess acid and provide a cooling effect. Giloy is an anti-inflammatory herb; it helps soothe the digestive tract and also strengthens them for motility. .

  • Bahera

    It improves digestion, increases appetite, regulates bowel movements, and prevents acidity.

  • Ashwagandha

    Ashwagandha is very beneficial for treating Gastroparesis because it helps repair the damaged nerves as well as tissues inside the stomach. .

Ayurvedic herbs that are very effective for treating Gastroparesis include Ashwagandha, Behera, Giloy, Amalaki, Haritaki, Pippali, and Bibhitaki.

Ayurvedic Formulations For Gastroparesis

Ayurveda offers the best herbal medicines for Gastroparesis. These products are 100% pure, natural, and do not contain chemicals, additives, and preservatives. These products are effective and safe for Gastroparesis without any side effects. They are as follow:

  • Mahashankh Vati

    Mahashankh Vati is an effective herbal formulation prepared from a combination of powerful herbs. These herbs include Chitrak, Danti, Pippali, Sarjakshar, Shuddha Parad, and Shudh Tankan. They are known for their digestive, appetizer, antipyretic, and analgesic actions. Mahashankh Vati also helps to balance the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.Use 1-2 tablets twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water.

  • Digestion Support

    These capsules consist of a combination of beneficial herbs that promotes a healthy digestive system. These herbs are Haritaki, Amalaki, Bahera, Pippali, Dhania, Jeerak, and Sound. Digestion Support capsules are beneficial in the proper digestion of the food and help in the treatment of Gastroparesis. Use 1-2 Capsules twice daily with plain water after meals.

  • Heartburn Capsules

    As the name indicates it is used to relieve heartburn, which is a symptom of Gastroparesis, and also provides the healthy digestion of the food. These herbal capsules contain Agate calcium, coral calcium, Pearl calcium Ayurvedic calcium compound, and Giloy. These capsules balance the vitiated pitta in the body and help to neutralize the excess acid and provide a cooling effect. Use 1 capsule, twice daily with plain water after meals.

  • Vara Churna

    This powder contains Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis). Vara Churna helps in maintaining healthy intestines and supports the overall health of the body. Use 2 to 3 grams of Vara Churna should be mixed with warm water and taken in the evening time.

The Ayurvedic formulations that are helpful for the treatment of Gastroparesis include Mahashankh Vati, Digestion Support, Heartburn Capsules, and Vara Churna.


The information regarding Gastroparesis and its treatment was collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly get the advice of your Ayurvedic doctor before starting self-medication.

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