Ayurvedic Treatments And Herbal Remedies For Dyshidrotic Eczema

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Dyshidrotic Eczema

Dyshidrotic eczema, also called pompholyx, is a type of eczema (dermatitis) and is marked by very itchy blisters that develop on the edges of the fingers, toes, palms, and soles of the feet. Dyshidrotic eczema may be acute, recurrent, or chronic and affects teenagers and adults. These usually pop up in clusters. Several things can set off dyshidrotic eczema, including stress, contact with metals like nickel, cobalt, or chromium salts in your job, or things like costume jewelry. Some food items such as added artificial sugars, trans-fats, processed meat, red meat, refined carbs, and dairy all cause inflammation in the body. The best way to control these skin conditions is to rehydrate your skin by drinking plenty of water and moisturizing well, especially after showering and running a humidifier.

All kinds of skin diseases come under the Kustha Roga in Ayurveda. It is caused by the vitiation of Tridosha. As per Ayurveda, dyshidrotic eczema occurs due to aggravated Pitta Dosha. Pitta is related to heat, and so we should avoid foods that increase heat. Exposure to heat also leads to skin disorders. This imbalanced dosha is one of the reasons for the buildup of toxins in the body, which causes dyshidrotic eczema.

Symptoms Of Dyshidrotic Eczema

The small, itchy blisters are the most noticeable sign of dyshidrotic eczema. Other signs are:

  • Itching or a burning pain before blisters appear. .
  • Blisters on the edges of your fingers, toes, palms, and soles of your feet.
  • Red, cracked skin.
  • Sweaty skin around the blisters. .
  • Nails that thicken and change colors.

Causes Of Dyshidrotic Eczema

Some of the things that can cause Dyshidrotic Eczema are:

  • Stress.
  • Contact with metals like nickel, cobalt, or chromium salts on your job, or from things like costume jewelry.
  • Sweaty or wet hands and feet.
  • Warm, humid weather.
  • HIV infection.
  • Certain treatments for a weak immune system (immunoglobulin).
  • Seasonal allergies.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Dyshidrotic Eczema

The treatment modalities include panchakarma, external therapies, and internal medications. They also include activities, advice on food, and lifestyle changes.

In Ayurvedic medicine, dyshidrotic eczema is treated with panchakarma therapy. The main panchakarma treatments are Virechana, Vamana, and Rakta moksha. Some of the external therapies are:

  • Abhyanga

    Abhyanga (oil massage) is a form of Ayurvedic therapy that involves massaging the entire body from head to toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil. .

  • Takra Dhara

    Takra Dhara is an Ayurvedic therapy in which medicated buttermilk is used. Takra Dhara is useful for dyshidrotic eczema. It resembles Shirodhara. Ayurvedic Takradhara treatment improves blood circulation and relaxes the nerves, which leads to a reduction in mental stress.

  • Kashaya Seka

    This revitalizing treatment is given immediately after Abhyanga. A continuous pouring of a warm herbal decoction all over the body and simultaneous massaging by 4 therapists is performed for 45 minutes. At the same time, Shirodhara is also given. This therapy removes Kapha and Vata toxins. It improves blood circulation, skin complexion, and relieves body acne.

The main external therapies for the treatment of dyshidrotic eczema are:

  • Deepana and Panchana

    Pachana and Deepana procedures help in enhancing the digestive fire (Agni), clear the channels (Srotas), increase the absorptive capacity of the body. .

  • Other Ayurvedic treatments like Ayurveda Visha Hara and long-term Rasayana chikitsa are found to be effective in treating Dyshidrotic Eczema, which helps in strengthening the Rakta Dhatu, skin.

The ayurvedic treatments that are very effective for the treatment of Dyshidrotic Eczema are Panchakarma therapies, Abhyanga, Takra Dhara, Kashaya Seka, Deepana, and Pancha, Ayurvedic visha hara, and long-term Rasayana chikitsa.

Pathya And Apathya (do’s And Don'ts)

Ayurvedic doctors prescribe Pathya –Apathya for Patients with Dyshidrotic Eczema are:

Pathya (Dos)

  • Light foods like khichadi. .
  • Eating more moong dal.
  • Bitter gourd patol (tikta rasa).
  • Hot water for drinking.
  • Advice to wear gloves during bath.
Apathya (Don’ts)
  • Milk, curd. .
  • Non-veg food.
  • Virudha Ahara (incompatible food items).
  • Overeating.
  • Spicy food items like pickles, chilies. .
  • Avoid daytime sleep.
  • Sour food items.
  • Soaps and detergents were completely avoided.

How To Prevent Dyshidrotic Eczema

Ways to manage dyshidrotic eczema include:

  • Consistently apply moisturizer soon after getting out of the shower or bath. It can prevent moisture loss and excessive dryness.
  • Wear soft, loose clothing made of natural fibers, such as cotton. Avoid overly scratchy or non-breathable materials, including wool.
  • Refrain from scratching or itching, as this can break the skin and worsen the condition.
  • Reducing exposure to allergens such as pet dander and pollen. Washing pets with dander-reducing pet shampoos may reduce allergy-related flare-ups. Use a humidifier, especially when the air is cold and dry. It adds moisture to the air and protects the skin from drying out. .

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies For Dyshidrotic Eczema

The effective herbs for the treatment of Dyshidrotic Eczema are:

  • Cardamom

    Cardamom has antibacterial properties that help in healing breakouts, and also acts as a skin purifier by clearing out blemishes. It helps give you a clearer and evened-out complexion. It makes your skin even-toned and can also improve your complexion.

  • Turmeric

    Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, making it an appealing treatment option for different skin conditions, including eczema and atopic dermatitis.

  • Triphala

    Triphala is a rich source of antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. The antioxidants in Triphala fight various skin infections and help in reducing acne-causing bacteria, giving you soft and supple skin. The findings suggest that it may help rebuild skin protein and retain moisture in the skin.

  • Neem

    The antioxidants in neem are beneficial for reducing melanin production in your skin, which helps to even out your skin tone. It also reduces dark spots, blemishes, and redness in your skin. To make a cleansing neem face mask, take about 12 neem leaves and grind them with water to make a paste.

  • Brahmi

    If we apply Brahmi directly to the skin or with constant consumption, it enhances the skin complexion and helps with cell renewal and regeneration. Thus, it is well known for treating skin problems like eczema. It even helps soothe aggravated skin and helps clear it out.

  • Manjistha

    Manjistha, or Indian Madder, is considered to be one of the best blood-purifying herbs. It is mainly used to break down blockages in the blood flow and remove stagnant blood. Manjistha herb can be used both internally and externally on the skin to promote skin health.

  • Giloy

    In Ayurveda, Giloy contains Raktashodhak properties that aid in removing impurities from the blood (Raktashodhak), which helps in combating many skin ailments like skin allergies, itching, dark circles, acne, and eczema.

The Ayurvedic herbs that are powerful for the treatment of Dyshidrotic Eczema are Giloy, Manjistha, Brahmi, Neem, Triphala, turmeric, and cardamom.


The above-mentioned information related to dyshidrotic eczema is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before starting herbs and herbal medicines for treatment.

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