Best Anti-aging Herbs That Slow Down Aging

Best Anti-aging Herbs That Slow Down Aging photo

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Aging is an inevitable natural process in our life. Wrinkled and sagging skin, muscular degeneration, and greying hair are the general symptoms of aging. Aging is a gradual process of natural change in everyone's life. Functional decline is another symptom of aging. Most people are worried about aging. We cannot stop the aging process as it is natural, but we can slow down the aging process in natural ways.

Ayurveda is known as the science of life. Ayurveda believes that most of the diseases arise out of imbalance in tridoshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. By balancing tridoshas naturally helps to keep you healthy and young.

Ayurveda prepares formulations from natural herbs. Herbs are the real gift of nature and they contain lots of medicinal properties that keep you healthy and young. Herbs can magically bring a balance between Vata, Pitta, and Kapha dosha.

Here Is The List Of Powerful Herbs That Can Slow Down The Aging Process Naturally

  • Tulsi

    Tulsi is used in Ayurveda to prepare various formulations due to its richness in medicinal properties like antioxidants, antibacterial, and antifungal. Tulsi has a significant role in keeping your skin young without any side effects. .

  • Cinnamon

    Cinnamon has a lot of health benefits like antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial properties that help to protect your skin from aging, protects the body from diseases, etc.

  • Ginger

    Ginger contains a substance called gingerol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger helps in delaying the aging of many organs in our body.

  • Ginkgo

    Ginkgo biloba extract has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat aging symptoms. The extract is rich in anti-oxidation, anti-apoptosis, and anti-inflammation properties that prevent wrinkles and improve skin texture naturally.

  • Ashwagandha

    The queen of herbs has a lot to do in keeping your skin young. Ashwagandha is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that protect your skin from damage.

  • Ginseng

    Ginseng has been widely used in Ayurveda due to its anti-aging properties. Ginseng is rich in a lot of phytochemicals that prevent the growth of free radicals that get accumulated when your skin is exposed to pollution and sunlight. .

  • Horsetail

    Horsetail is rich in natural silicon that keeps your skin glowing and young. Silicon is important to the strength of blood vessels, organs, skin, hair, and bones, contributing to the form, resilience, and flexibility of all connective tissues.

  • Oregano

    Oregano contains antioxidants and flavonoids that prevent free radical damage and the symptoms of aging.

  • Sage

    Sage is rich in antioxidants that prevent aging symptoms such as wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.

  • Guduchi

    Guduchi(giloy) is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help in reviving our skin tissues and inflammations on the skin. The anti-aging properties of Guduchi help in preventing aging symptoms such as dark spots, wrinkles, pimples, and fine lines.

  • Guggulu

    Guggulu is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that prevent aging symptoms by restraining the growth of free radicals in the body. .

  • Turmeric

    Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin that has effective anti-aging, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Brahmi

    Brahmi is a fine solution for those who suffer from age-related memory loss issues. Brahmi is widely used in Ayurveda as a memory booster.

  • Amla

    Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and iron. Amla helps in improving our immune system and prevents age-related macular degeneration and Cataract.

  • Gotu-kola

    Gotu-kola is rich in flavonoids that act as antioxidants and fight off free radical damage. Gotu-kola has anti-wrinkle benefits that prevent the symptoms of aging. .

Herbs are rich in anti-aging and other medicinal properties that help to fight visible signs of aging with wrinkles, degeneration of cells, dark spots, greying of hair, etc. Certain herbs that can keep you healthy and young are tulsi,turmeric, ginger, ashwagandha, ginseng, gotu-kola, guggulu, amla, brahmi, guduchi, sage, oregano, horsetail, ginkgo, and cinnamon.


The information mentioned above was obtained from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly get the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before using herbs or herbal formulas.

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