Dysphagia, Symptoms, Causes And Herbal Remedies In Ayurveda

Dysphagia, Symptoms, Causes And Herbal Remedies In Ayurveda photo

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Dysphagia is the medical word for difficulty swallowing. Dysphagia causes people to exert more effort than usual to transport food from their mouth to their stomach. Dysphagia can occur when swallowing solid foods, liquids, or a combination of the two. Dysphagia is caused by injury to the muscles and nerves that control swallowing. People who suffer from certain conditions may have difficulty swallowing. Dysphagia can strike anyone at any age, but it is most frequent among the elderly.

According to Ayurveda, dysphagia happens due to the obstruction of strota of the body. Low metabolism can cause improper digestion resulting in the accumulation of toxins. These toxins pile up in various body channels causing blockages and impaired functioning. Aggravated Vata is also responsible for dysphagia.

Types Of Dysphagia

Dysphagia can be classified into four categories based on the location of the swallowing impairment. They are as follow:

  • Oropharyngeal Dysphagia

    Oropharyngeal dysphagia is a term that describes swallowing problems occurring in the mouth and or the throat.

  • Esophageal Dysphagia

    Esophageal dysphagia, refers to the sensation of food sticking or getting caught in the base of your throat or chest after you have started to swallow.

  • Esophagogastric Dysphagia

    Esophagogastric dysphagia occurs when there is an impairment for passage of material from the lower esophageal sphincter into the gastric fundus due to motor or physical obstruction.

  • Paraesophageal Dysphagia

    Paraesophageal dysphagia occurs when there is either physical impingement on the esophageal wall and lumen or infiltration of the esophageal wall leading to obstruction.

Dysphagia can be classified into four types. They are Oropharyngeal Dysphagia, Esophageal Dysphagia, Esophagogastric Dysphagia, and Paraesophageal Dysphagia.

Symptoms Of Dysphagia

Common symptoms of Dysphagia include:

  • Pain while swallowing.
  • Inability to swallow.
  • A sensation of food getting stuck in the throat or chest or behind the breastbone. .
  • Drooling.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Food coming back up. .
  • Frequent heartburn.
  • Food or stomach acid backing up into the throat.
  • Weight loss.
  • Coughing or gagging when swallowing.

Causes Of Dysphagia

The common reasons are:

  • Neurological causes

    A condition that affects the nervous system, such as a stroke, head injury, multiple sclerosis, or dementia.

  • Cancer

    Cancer such as mouth cancer or oesophageal cancer leads to Dysphagia.

  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD)

    In this condition, stomach acid leaks back up into the esophagus. That also leads to Dysphagia.

The significant causes of Dysphagia are Neurological causes of cancer and GORD.

Ayurvedic Management Of Dysphagia

Dysphagia treatment depends on the cause, symptoms, and type of swallowing problem. They are as follow:

  • Specific swallowing treatment

    This treatment includes exercises to improve muscle movement.

  • Positions or strategies to help the individual swallow more effectively.
  • Specific food and liquid textures that are easier and safer to swallow

    In these swallowing treatment options, you will be referred to a dietician or nutritionist. You will be advised a well-balanced and healthy diet that may include more liquid and semi-liquid food.

Tips To Prevent Dysphagia

People suffering from dysphagia can prevent the symptoms by taking a few precautions. They are as follow:

  • One of the effective steps to prevent dysphagia is gargling. Gargles are a good exercise that stimulates the throat muscles and reduces the effects of dysphagia.
  • Must avoid eating hard foods as this can cause inflammation of the throat. Instead of trying to take a liquid diet as much as possible.
  • Eat more fruits and green leafy vegetables in the boiled form to enhance the immune system and prevent recurrent inflammation. Vegetable soup also helps to provide relief from hoarseness of the throat.
  • Warm fluids are helpful for people suffering from dysphagia. .
  • Drink more water to reduce hyperacidity. It helps remove toxins and balances the acid secreted from the gastric cells. Water also helps in the proper digestion of the food and prevents regurgitation.

Herbal Remedies For Dysphagia

The herbs that effectively cure the symptoms of Dysphagia are the following:

  • Licorice

    Licorice is an Ayurvedic remedy for Dysphagia. It has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Throat discomfort, indigestion, gastric ulcers, and heartburn can all be relieved with this herb.

  • Amla

    Amla is an effective remedy to treat Dysphagia due to its healthy properties. Amla is an antioxidant with a high concentration of Vitamin C, making it a rejuvenator and a cooling agent with calming properties. Because it is sour, it aids in the stimulation of digestive juices.

  • Haritaki

    Haritaki is an effective herb with laxative, digestive tonic, expectorant, anti-dysentery, carminative, astringent properties. Its warm potency helps to relieve flatulence and the formation of gastric problems. It can pacify all three doshas. It also provides relief in heartburn.

  • Bahera

    Bahera is an herb used to treat Tridoshas. It can excrete excessive mucus(Kapha) from the intestines and benefits in the right amount of excretion of juices. It also supports the digestion process. .

  • Sounf

    It is an effective remedy in alleviating gaseous distension of the abdomen, abdominal pain due to gas, acidity, and constipation.

  • Pippali

    This herb helps to strengthen the complete digestive system. It stimulates the liver, pancreas, and intestines to secrete digestive juices.

  • Jeera

    Jeera is the most common herbal plant used in reducing abdominal pain due to gas and flatulence. The decoction of jeera helps relieve abdominal gas problems and heartburn.

  • Coriander

    Coriander seeds are Pitta pacifying, and they also help treat swallowing problems with other dysphagia symptoms.

  • Ginger

    Ginger helps reduce all the symptoms of Dysphagia. So, consume ¼ spoon honey with ¼ spoon of ginger juice every day to aid the swallowing process and eliminate other related symptoms.

  • Horse Gram

    Horse Gram relieves burning sensations in the abdomen and chest and can help with sore throats. So, take some horse gram powder and keep it in your mouth. Slowly suck it for a couple of minutes and finally let it in. .

Licorice, Amla, Haritaki, Bahera, Sounf, Pippali, horse gram, coriander, ginger, and jeera are some powerful herbs to reduce the symptoms related to Dysphagia.


All the information related to Dysphagia was taken from ancient Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.

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