Effective Ayurvedic Tips To Control Systemic Sclerosis

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Systemic Scleroderma
Systemic scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis, is an autoimmune rheumatic disease characterized by excessive production and accumulation of collagen, called fibrosis, in the skin and internal organs and by injuries to small arteries. It is a condition in which the immune system attacks the body. Healthy tissue is destroyed because the immune system mistakenly thinks it’s a foreign substance or infection. Scleroderma affects women more often than men and most commonly occurs between the ages of 30 and 50. Systemic scleroderma is characterized by changes in the texture and appearance of the skin. It not only affects the skin but also your blood vessels, muscles, heart, digestive system, lungs, and kidneys.
In Ayurveda, systemic sclerosis can be considered as Uttana Vatarakta. Vitiation of tridoshas is the major reason for Scleroderma. These variations occur due to the intake of improper diet and lifestyle, which in turn interrupts skin, hands, Rakta Dhatu, and Mamsa Dhatu (body tissues). Systemic sclerosis begins with inflammatory signs and later leads to tightening or hardening of the skin due to aggravated Vata. Ayurveda aims to control the condition with proper Ayurvedic treatments, such as Ahar (diet), vihar (lifestyle), herbal medicines, etc.
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Symptoms Of Systemic Sclerosis
The common symptoms are:
- Hair loss.
- Calcium deposits, or white lumps under the Skin.
- Small, dilated blood vessels under the Skin's Surface.
- Joint Pain.
- Shortness of breath.
- A dry cough.
- Diarrhea.
- Constipation.
Causes Of Systemic Sclerosis
The major causes of systemic sclerosis are:
- Overproduction and accumulation of collagen in body tissues.
- Immune system problems.
- Genetics.
- Environmental triggers.
Types Of Systemic Scleroderma
Systemic scleroderma involves many parts of the body or system. This type is further divided into two parts:
- Limited scleroderma
This type comes on slowly that affects the skin of the face, feet, and hands. It damages the esophagus, intestines, or a lung that carries food from mouth to stomach.
- Diffuse scleroderma
It affects the upper arms, hands, thighs, middle part of the body, thighs, and feet. These become thick and affect the internal organs such as the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidneys, and lungs.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Systemic Sclerosis
The main treatments for systemic sclerosis are:
1. Shodhana Chikitsa
It refers to any Ayurvedic cleansing therapy that is used to remove excess doshas and ama (toxins) from the body. Shodhana Chikitsa treatments aim to restore equilibrium, boost overall health and wellbeing and stimulate Agni (digestive fire). Shodhana Chikitsa focuses specifically on removing toxins and eliminating excess Vata, Pitta, or Kapha.
Some of Shodhana Chikitsa treatments for systemic sclerosis are:
- Dipana Panchana
Deepana and Pachana (appetizer-digestives) have equal significance in both Shodhana (bio purification) and Shamana treatment. Pachana substances burn ama directly without the help of Agni. They are often the same herbs used for Dipana. After the treatment, there is an improvement in softness and glow of the skin, significant improvement in the breathing difficulty and swallowing, good improvement in blackish pigmentation overhand, improvement in digestion of food, evacuation of bowel, and Quality of health.
- Vaitarana Basti
Vaitarana Basti is one of the most known Basti used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and Vata disorders. Medicated oil or ghee and an herbal decoction are given as an enema to cleanse the colon and increase muscle tone. This procedure is usually carried on for 8 to 30 days, based on the medical condition of a person.
- Valuka Sweda
Valuka Sweda is an effective holistic treatment in Ayurveda and a part of Rooksha Sweda therapy. It is generally carried out after Abhyanga and Snehana treatments. Valuka means sand and in this particular procedure, sand is taken in a cloth and made into a bolus (Pinda) and Swedana is done with this bolus by heating it in a hot pan. Valuka Sweda is most effective for conditions characterized by swelling, heaviness, and stiffness. It can be performed on a specific part of the body or the whole body itself.
- Virechana
Virechana therapy is defined as the medicated purgation therapy, which cleanses the Pitta and purifies blood, by clearing the toxins from the body.
- Abhyanga
Abhyanga is the therapeutic intervention of Panchakarma in which the body is treated with simple or medicated oil on a particular body part according to need. This therapy nourishes the entire body, imparts muscle tone and vigor to the Dhatus. (tissues) of the body. It also imparts firmness to the limbs, lubricates the joints, increases circulation, and Stimulates the internal organs of the body.
2. Shamana Therapy (Pacificatory)
Certain combinations of the drug had been used and changed according to the response of the disease. Internal medicine was given continuously for 2 months.
The main Ayurvedic treatments to control the symptoms of systemic sclerosis are Shodhana Chikitsa and Shamana Therapy.Main shodhana treatments are Dipana panchana, Vaitarana basti, Valuka sweda, Virechana and Abhyanga.
Diet Recommendations
The diet recommendations that help to control systemic sclerosis are:
- Eat small meals every three to four hours. .
- Eat fresh and natural foods. Select whole, fresh, unprocessed foods without any preservatives, artificial ingredients, or hydrogenated oils.
- Add anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich spices and herbs, like rosemary, basil, oregano, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne, paprika, turmeric, and curry powder to foods.
- Cut down on added sugars, the natural sugars found in milk, yogurt, and fruit are not a concern.
- Use Multivitamin or mineral supplement. If specific nutrient deficiencies have been identified, extra supplementation may be required.
- Consume plenty of water preferably water that’s never been exposed to plastic. Drink only from stainless steel or glass containers and use a water filtration system at home. .
- Avoid foods that may aggravate Vata symptoms such as citrus fruits, tomato products, greasy fried foods, coffee, garlic, onions, peppermint, gas-producing foods (such as raw peppers, beans, broccoli, or raw onions), spicy foods, carbonated beverages, and alcohol.
Lifestyle Modifications
- Eat fresh vegetables and fruits as it is good for your health.
- Avoid junk and processed food items.
- Drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated drinks.
- Do perform yoga poses such as Paripurna Navasana, Ardha Matsyendrasana, Sarvangasana, Ardha Chandrasana, etc. Also, meditate for 30 minutes a day.
- Walk for 30 minutes daily.
Herbal Remedies For Systemic Sclerosis
Some of the medicines prepared from different kinds of herbs to treat systemic sclerosis are:
- Curcumin Capsules
The major components of this medicine are turmeric. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties of this herb reduce all the signs and symptoms in scleroderma patients. Take 1 capsule twice daily with normal water.
- Detox Premium Powder
This herbal powder contains Akik Pishti, ShwetParpati, Tal sindoor, Kamdudha ras, and others that reduce pain, swelling, tightness, stiffness, and swelling of the skin in scleroderma patients.
- Vaat Nashik Vati
The tablets are prepared from Giloy, Jahar Mohra, and AbhrakBhasma, etc. It helps to balance the Vata dosha in the body. It reduces swelling, pain, stiffness, and tenderness in joints, etc.
- Dhatu Poshak Churna
This Ayurvedic formulation provides strength, stamina, and power to the body. This herbal powder is prepared from herbs such as Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Gokhru, etc. These herbs are very effective for the symptoms related to scleroderma patients.
- Panchsakar Churna
This herbal churna is prepared from Haritaki, Shunthi, Trivrit, etc. It helps to remove ama (toxins) from the body. It deals with all the signs and symptoms related to scleroderma patients.
- Trikatu Syrup
This Ayurvedic formulation is prepared from three herbs Black pepper, Dried ginger, and Long pepper that maintain the pain, swelling, and tightness of the skin.
The effective Ayurvedic herbal formulations to control the symptoms of systemic sclerosis are Curcumin capsules, detox premium powder, Vaat nashak vati, Dhatu poshak churna, Panchsakar churna, and Trikatu syrup.
The above-mentioned information related to systemic sclerosis is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before starting herbs and herbal medicines for the treatment.