Ingredients, Medicinal Properties, Uses, Dosages, And Side Effects Of Gandharavhasthadi Thailam
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Gandharavhasthadi Thailam
Gandharvahasthadi Thailam is a herbal antidote in decoction form. Gandharavahasthadi Thailam is very useful in treating digestive disorders such as bloating, anorexia, constipation, etc. Cator oil is the base of Gandharvahasthadi Thailam. The herb " Gandharavahastha" is one of the primary ingredients of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam.
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Ingredients Of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam
Herbal ingredients of Gandharvahasthadi Thailam are Gandharavahastha moola (Ricinus Communis), Shunti ( Zingiber Officinale), and Ksheera (Cow milk), Barley (Hordeum Vulgare), Murchita Eranda Thaila ( Castor Oil), etc.
Medicinal Properties Of Gandharvahasthadi Thailam
Due to its powerful herbal constituents, Gandharavahasthadi Thailam is rich in therapeutic benefits. They are :
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Analgesic.
- Antiasthmatic.
- Anti-microbial.
- Antibacterial.
- Anti-cough.
- Laxative.
- Carminative.
- Appetizer.
- Anti-flatulent.
Ayurveda recommends the usage of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam helps to get rid of health conditions such as :
- Bloating.
- Indigestion.
- Constipation.
- Anorexia.
Health Benefits
Gandharvahasthadi Thailam is a herbal oil with multiple health benefits. Castor oil is the base of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam and is rich in medicinal properties.
- The laxative properties of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam treat constipation.
- The appetizer properties of Gandharavahasthadi thailam treat indigestion, increase appetite, and treat anorexia.
- The carminative properties of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam treat flatulence.
- The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam treat abdominal pain and other inflammations.
- Gandharavahasthadi Thailam is rich in antibacterial and anti-microbial properties that protect the body from various infections.
Gandharvahasthadi Thailam is very useful in managing health conditions such as anorexia, bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, etc.
Directions Of Usage
The consumption of Gandharvahasthadi Thailam depends on the patient's age, gender, and health conditions.
Side Effects
The ingestion of Gandharavahasthadi Thailam has no known adverse effects. Higher doses, on the other hand, may induce diarrhoea.
Gandharavahasthadi Thailam is not recommended during pregnancy or nursing, according to Ayurveda.
The health benefits of Gandharvahasthadi Thailam derive from various Ayurvedic sources. Before beginning self-medication, please visit an Ayurvedic practitioner.
- Ashtanga Hridayam- Chikitsasthana- 15/21.
- Sahasrayogam.