Sukumara Ghrita - Ingredients And Health Benefits

Sukumara Ghrita - Ingredients And Health Benefits photo

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Sukumara Ghritam

Sukumara Ghritam is an Ayurvedic medicine in herbal ghee form. This herbal ghee is made from the Vidaryadi group of herbs mentioned in Ashtanga Hridayam. It is used for the preparatory procedure for Panchakarma and also as medicine, used in the treatment of gynecological diseases.

Sukumara Gritham contains a unique blend of bioactive compounds such as vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenes, and other beneficial phytochemicals. It also shows some anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. So, it promotes a healthy digestive system by helping with the natural assimilation of food and nutrients. Sukumara Gritham supports healthy and comfortable digestion. It encourages a healthy reproductive system by helping the body maintain balanced levels of hormones and supporting regular menstrual cycles.

Ingredients Of Sukumara Ghrita

The ingredients present in Sukumara Gritham are the following:

  • Red hogweed root (Punarnava) - Boerhaavia diffusa.
  • Bael tree root (Bilva) - Aegle marmelos .
  • Indian Uraria plant (Prishniparni) - Uraria picta .
  • Yellow-nightshade plant (Kantakari) - Solanum xanthocarpum .
  • Beechwood root (Gambhari) - Gmelina Arborea.
  • Indian nightshade plant (Brihati) - Solanum Indicum.
  • Midnight horror root (Shyonaka) - Oroxylum Indicum.
  • Sal leaved desmodium plant (Shalaparni) - Desmodium gangeticum .
  • Puncture Vine plant (Gokshura) - Tribulus terrestris.
  • Rose Flower Fragrant root (Patala) - Stereospermum suaveolens.
  • Headache tree root (Agnimantha) - Premna integrifolia.
  • Leptadenia root (Jeevanti) - Leptadenia reticulata .
  • Winter Cherry root (Ashwagandha) - Withania somnifera .
  • Castor bean seeds (Eranda) - Ricinus communis.
  • Indian Asparagus root (Shatavari) - Asparagus racemosus.
  • Tadch grass-root (Darbha) - Desmostachya bipinnata.
  • Natural Rock sugar (Khanda Sharkara) - Saccrhum officinarum.
  • East Indian Globe Thistle plant (Gorakhmundi) - Sphaeranthus indicus.
  • Jawa pepper fruit (Pippali Beda) - Piper cubeba.
  • Licorice root (Yashtimadhu) - Glycyrrhiza glabra.
  • Raisins fruit (Draksha) - Vitis vinifera.
  • Cumin seeds (Jeeraka) - Cuminum cyminum .
  • Dried Ginger root (Shunti) - Zingiber officinale.
  • Clarified Butter (Gritham) - Cow’s Ghee.

Medicinal Properties Of Sukumara Ghrita

Sukumara Gritham contains medicinal properties such as:

  • Anti-Inflammatory.
  • Antioxidant .
  • Anti-Ulcerogenic.
  • Antitumor .
  • Anticancer.
  • Adaptogenic.
  • Carminative.
  • Analgesic.
  • Antispasmodic.

Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-ulcerogenic, antitumor, adaptogenic, carminative, analgesic, antispasmodic and anticancer are the main healing properties of Sukumara Ghrita.

Ayurvedic Properties Of Sukumara Ghrita

The Ayurvedic Properties of Sukumara Ghrita are:

  • Taste (Rasa) – Bitter, Sweet.
  • Quality (Guna) – Heavy, unctuous.
  • Potency (Veerya)– Cooling.
  • Action on Doshas – Balances Vata and Pitta doshas.

Sukumara Ghrita Benefits

Sukumara Gritham is a traditional Ayurvedic ghee formula that gives health benefits like:

  • Effective for fertility

    Sukumara Ghrita is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases and improves the chances of pregnancy.

  • Sukumara Ghrita for period problems

    Sukumara Ghrita is a vital uterine tonic that stimulates menstrual flow and cures the problems of delayed periods and prolonged menstruation cycles. It is also useful in treating severe abdominal or back pain during menstruation. .

  • Good for better digestion

    It works as a digestive aid, increasing nutrient absorption and improving strength and weight. Its carminative and anti-inflammatory properties help keep the digestive system healthy and prevent flatulence, hernia, bloating, gastritis and ulcer.

  • Relieves cramps and pains

    Due to its analgesic and antispasmodic properties helps in relieving pain and soothing cramps.

  • Remedy for constipation and piles

    It is a gentle laxative that helps to treat constipation, hemorrhoids, and piles symptoms. Its antioxidant properties aid in the removal of toxins and hence detoxification of the body.

  • Used in Panchakarma

    It is used in panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda as a preparatory procedure called snehakarma for the treatment of lower abdominal pain in women, abscess, hemorrhoids, menstrual pain, inflammation, constipation, etc. .

  • Good for Skin

    It helps to improve skin complexion. It also promotes healthy and rejuvenated skin with regular use.

  • Other Benefits

    Sukumara Ghrita contains other healing properties such as anti-ulcerogenic, antitumor, and anticancer. All these are very beneficial for the treatment of abnormal growths or tumors, hernia, abscesses, abdominal distension, reproductive system disorders, edema, abdominal diseases, gout, spleen disorders, polycystic ovarian disease, uterine fibroids, and polycystic kidney disease.

The major health benefits of Sukumara Ghritam are effective for fertility, period problems, better digestion, cures cramps and pains, remedy for constipation and piles, used in Panchakarma, promotes skin complexion, etc.

Sukumara Ghrita Dosage

The following are the Dosage of Sukumara Ghrita:

  • As medicine

    Quarter to a half teaspoon with water, usually before food, once or twice a day, or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

  • For Panchakarma preparation

    In the Snehana procedure, the dose depends on the patient’s health condition and the judgment of the Ayurvedic doctor.

Side Effects Of Sukumara Ghrita

There are no known side effects with this medicine. An excess dose of the medicine may cause diarrhoea and indigestion.


Avoid exposure to cold- and cold-water baths while using Sukumara Ghrita.


All the information related to Sukumara Ghritam was taken from different Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.

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