Ayurvedic Aspects And Treatment For Psoriatic Arthritis

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Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis and joint pain. The features of this condition are red patches of skin covered with silvery scales. Most people develop psoriasis first and are later diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis, but they have joint problems that can sometimes begin before skin patches appear. Along with joint pain, stiffness and swelling are the main signs of psoriatic arthritis. They can affect any part of your body, including your fingertips and spine, and can range from relatively mild to severe.

Psoriatic arthritis usually affects people between the ages of 30-50, but can begin as early as childhood. Men and women are equally affected by this condition. Children with psoriatic arthritis are also at risk of developing uveitis, i.e., inflammation of the middle layer of the eye. Studies show that nearly 15% of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis. At times, arthritis can appear before the skin disorder.

As per Ayurveda, psoriatic arthritis is a disease of Vata imbalance, Rakta (blood), and Kushta (skin disorders). To manage Psoriatic arthritis, Ayurvedic treatment focuses on eliminating the signs and symptoms and preventing joint deformity. So, Ayurvedic medicines to Kushta Rogas are also helpful in the treatment of psoriatic arthritis, or Vatarakta.

Types Of Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is categorized into five types:

  • Distal interphalangeal predominant Psoriatic Arthritis

    Distal interphalangeal predominant (DIP) psoriatic arthritis involves primarily the small joints in the fingers and toes closest to the nail. Nail changes are especially frequent with this form of psoriatic arthritis.

  • Asymmetric oligoarticular Psoriatic Arthritis

    The asymmetric oligoarticular type of psoriatic arthritis involves different joints on each side of the body. Your joints may appear sore and turn red, though the signs can be generally mild. It affects around 35% of people.

  • Symmetric polyarthritis Psoriatic Arthritis

    Symmetric polyarthritis form affects the same joints on each side. The symptoms are similar to those of rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Spondylitis Psoriatic Arthritis

    Psoriatic spondylitis is a type of psoriatic arthritis where inflammation affects the spine and causes movement problems in the neck, low back, pelvis, and sacroiliac (SI) joints. This type of PsA may cause joint pain in the arms, legs, hands, and feet.

  • Psoriatic Arthritis Mutilans

    Arthritis mutilans is a rare and severe form of arthritis that affects the hands and feet, along with discomfort in the neck and lower back.

Psoriatic arthritis is classified into five types. They are distal interphalangeal predominant, asymmetric oligoarticular, symmetric polyarthritis, spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis mutilans.

Symptoms Of Psoriatic Arthritis

The major symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are:

  • Joint pain or stiffness.
  • Joint swelling or warmth.
  • Pitted nails.
  • Nail separation.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Swollen fingers or toes.
  • Eye inflammation.
  • Foot pain.
  • Elbow pain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Reduced range of motion.

Causes Of Psoriatic Arthritis

The exact causes of psoriatic arthritis are unknown. Studies show that it develops from some of the factors like:

  • A combination of genetic (heredity) and environmental factors.
  • Immune system problems.
  • Infection.
  • Obesity.
  • Physical trauma.

Ayurvedic Treatments For Psoriatic Arthritis

The main ayurvedic treatment used to treat Psoriatic Arthritis usually involves Panchakarma therapy. This therapy involves the detoxification and purification methods using medicinal oils administered orally or externally. The main panchakarma procedures for Psoriatic Arthritis are:

  • Snehapana

    It means internal administration of medicated ghee and oils. Snehana is the pre-operative procedure of panchakarma therapy. It is the process through which your body is lubricated. It cleanses your body, digestive system, builds up your physical strength, and enhances your color and complexion. It also makes your skin soft and supple.

  • Swedana

    It means medicated steam is given to the body. It reduces pain as well as stiffness. It removes vitiated Vata and Kapha dosha. It helps to reduce pain, stiffness, heaviness, and coldness in your body.

  • Vamana

    Vaman means therapeutic vomiting, which is a medicated emesis. This treatment is done for the aggravated Kapha dosha and dislodges the toxins mainly from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract. This therapy is done for preventive and curative purposes.

  • Virechana

    Virechana is one of the Panchakarma therapy wherein purgation is induced by drugs, and it specifically aims at the elimination of excessive Pitta Dosha from the body.

  • Niruha Vasti

    Niruha Vasti is an Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy wherein herbal decoctions are mixed with honey, rock salt, and medicated ghee and administered thru the anal route. It expels doshas from the body and nourishes the eye.

Psoriatic Arthritis can be effectively handled with other Ayurvedic treatments like:

  • Lepa

    It means external applications of medicinal pastes are used in the affected parts.

  • Abhyanga

    Abhyanga is an herbal oil massage that's done with warm oil. The oil is applied to the entire body, from the scalp to the soles of your feet. It reduces muscle stiffness.

  • Parisheka

    In this treatment stream pouring or sprinkling or showering of medicinal liquids like decoctions, medicated milk, oil, etc are used over the affected areas. It treats diseases caused by vitiated Vata, pitta, and Kapha dosha. It also reduces joint pains caused by Psoriatic Arthritis.

  • Avagahana

    The word "avagaha" means to immerse. Avagaha Sweda is a type of sudation therapy where the patient is made to sit or lie in a fluid-like decoction of warm water to produce fomentation in the body. Avagaha is the best means of invigorating the whole body and mind. It is very effective for Psoriatic Arthritis patients.

  • Upanaha

    It is the process of applying a warm herbal paste to the affected body parts, which is followed by bandaging. This procedure helps to alleviate pain and inflammation in the body.

The Ayurvedic treatments that are effective for Psoriatic Arthritis are panchakarma therapies like Snehapana,swedana, Vamana, Virechana, and Niruha Vasti. Other treatments like Lepa, Abhyanga, Parisheka, Avagahana, and Upanaha help to cure the symptoms related to Psoriatic Arthritis.

Internal Medications For Psoriatic Arthritis

Some of the internal medications that are effectively used for the treatment of Psoriatic arthritis are:

  • Khadirodaka

    Here Juice, decoction, powder of Khadira (Acacia catechu) should be used for anointing, upward massage, application, bathing, drinking, and eating (mixed with food).

  • Khadira rasa

    Pieces of bark, wood, leaves, and roots of the Khadira plant (Acacia catechu) should be boiled in a big vessel when they are prepared well, filtered, mixed with the juice of Indian gooseberry, ghee, and honey, and should be used internally.

  • Nimbadi Kalka

    Consume the mixture of leaves of Nimba (neem plant) and Amalaki (Indian gooseberry).

  • Vidangadi Kalka

    Use internally the paste of Vidanga (Embelia Ribes) and Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia).

  • Vidangadi Churna

    Powder of Vidanga (Embelia Ribes), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica), Pippali (long pepper) mixed in hot oil.

Some of the internal medications that are effectively used for the treatment of Psoriatic arthritis are, Khadirodaka, Khadira rasa, Nimbadi Kalka, Vidangadi Kalka, and Vidangadi Churna.

Natural Remedies For Psoriatic Arthritis

The natural remedies that are used for the treatment of Psoriatic arthritis are:

  • Turmeric

    Curcumin, which is an ingredient in turmeric, appears to have anti-inflammatory properties. It treats Psoriatic arthritis effectively.

  • Capsaicin

    Capsaicin is the compound that makes chili peppers hot. It reduces numb pain, bringing relief to painful joints.

  • Epsom salts

    Taking a warm bath with Epsom salts may help reduce joint pain and inflammation. The presence of magnesium in Epsom salts boosts bone health and may soothe itchy skin.

  • Fish oil

    Fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids; they ease painful swelling by reducing inflammation. Possible sources include omega-3 supplements, oily fish such as tuna, and other cold-water fish.

  • Ginger

    The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger help people with rheumatoid arthritis and Psoriatic arthritis.

  • Exercise

    Exercise is one of the most effective treatments to reduce Psoriatic arthritis symptoms. It can boost a person’s overall health and quality of life. It can also reduce stiffness, strengthen muscles, aid weight maintenance, and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Recommended exercises are swimming, yoga, etc.

  • Avoid smoking

    It is better to quit smoking, as this is a trigger for PsA and symptom flares.

Psoriatic arthritis is inflammatory arthritis that is seen in association with skin psoriasis. Joint damage can be prevented with the appropriate natural remedies like Turmeric, Capsaicin, Epsom salts, Fish oil, ginger, exercise, and avoiding smoking.


The above-mentioned information related to Psoriatic arthritis is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before starting herbs and herbal medicines for the treatment.

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