Ayurvedic Aspects Of Rheumatic Fever

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Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever is considered an inflammatory reaction that can develop as a complication of a Group A streptococcal infection, such as strep throat or scarlet fever. It occurs when the infections are untreated or undertreated. It most commonly affects boys and girls aged 5 to 15 years, but it can occur in adults and younger children. Rheumatic fever causes your immune system to attack its tissues, causing inflammation or swelling. Rheumatic fever may affect the joints, heart, or blood vessels. Timely treatment can reduce tissue damage from inflammation, lessen the pain and other symptoms, and prevent the recurrence of rheumatic fever.

According to Ayurveda, Rheumatic fever is known as Amavata Jwara. It is a kind of fever where patients get fever along with swelling and joint pain. The word Ama refers to undigested matter that forms toxins. It occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle and diet that leads to low digestion or metabolism. With the incompatible diet or physical exertion after taking fatty food, the toxins or ama are formed. This ama is fed by unbalanced Vayu and reaches the site of Kapha. The Amrasa on being completely processed and highly vitiated by Vata, pitta, and Kapha, circulates the body through the vessels and causes symptoms such as aches, fever, etc, of Amavata Jwara.

Symptoms Of Rheumatic Fever

Symptoms of rheumatic fever can include:

  • Fever.
  • Painful, tender joints (arthritis), most commonly in the knees, ankles, elbows, and wrists.
  • Symptoms of congestive heart failure, including chest pain, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat.
  • Fatigue.
  • Jerky, uncontrollable body movements. .

Causes Of Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever is caused by a response of the body's defense system known as the immune system. Rheumatic fever may develop after strep throat or scarlet fever infections that are not treated properly. Bacteria called group A Streptococcus or group A strep cause strep throat and scarlet fever. It usually takes about 1 to 5 weeks after strep throat or scarlet fever for the rheumatic fever to develop.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Rheumatic Fever

Ayurvedic treatments will help to reduce the pain and inflammation of affected joints and to improve general health. As per Ayurveda Rheumatic fever can be managed through the following Ayurvedic treatments:

  • Churna Kizhi

    It is one of the fomentation therapies in Ayurveda. It is a sweat-inducing therapy. Herbal powders are warmed in medicated oil and put into a potli (Kizhi), which is used for fomentation. After oil application, therapists foment the patient with Kizhi which will be dipped in warm medicated oil kept at a constant temperature, and then the kizhi is used to massage the patient all over or in the specific area using soft strokes. Thereafter, the patient is advised to take a hot water bath.
    This therapy helps in removing toxins from the body, clearing the channels, and also providing circulation of blood. This treatment is considered to be very stimulating and detoxifying. This process could go up to 30-45 minutes depending upon the situation of the patient.

  • Choornavasthi

    Vasti is an important treatment in Ayurveda and it’s especially meant for rheumatic (Vata) diseases. One of the most important Vasti treatments for Rheumatic fever is Churn Avasthi. This treatment should be done under the guidance of an expert Ayurveda doctor (vaidya) and all kinds of rheumatic (Vata) disorders would have been eliminated with the proper use of Vashti. It has the power to remove toxins from the human body. .

  • Lavana Kizhi

    Lavana pinda Sweda (Lavana Kizhi) is a specialized therapy that is performed for diseases related to Bones and muscles. Lavana means Salt. Pinda means a bolus. Sweda means Fomentation or sudation. The swedana karma or sudation therapy which is given by using a bolus which is prepared by the Lavana (salt) is called Lavana pinda Sweda.

  • Lavana pinda Sweda increases the peripheral blood supply. It relieves body ache and strengthens muscles and skin, reduces the inflammation of the joints. It acts as a muscle relaxant and relieves joint stiffness. It is also a good technique for relaxation and relieving stress.

Rheumatic fever is marked by inflammation and pain in the joints. It chiefly affects young people and is caused by a streptococcal infection. The Ayurvedic treatments that help to manage symptoms of rheumatic fever are Churna kizhi, Choornavasthi, and Lavanakizhi.

Diet Recommendations

  • A light but nutritious diet is recommended. Eat foods that are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber but are lower in calories.
  • Foods that improve immunity such as fruits and veggies, whole-grain products, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. .
  • Foods that are high in fat must be avoided.
  • Avoid intake of curd, black gram, heavy and cold food items, incompatible food items, etc.
  • Include barley, horse gram, bitter gourd, snake gourd, ginger, hot water, medicated buttermilk. etc.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Eat a heart-healthy diet.
  • If you’re overweight, take weight-loss options.
  • Limit physical activity until inflammation, pain, and other symptoms have improved.
  • Manage stress.
  • Adequate to complete bed rest is advised.

How To Prevent Rheumatic Fever

The most effective ways to prevent Rheumatic Fever are:

  • Treating strep throat and scarlet fever in its early stages is the first step to preventing rheumatic fever. .
  • Practicing good hygiene can reduce your chances of getting a bacterial infection. .
  • You should always wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick.

Internal Medicines For Rheumatic Fever

Some of the internal Ayurvedic Formulations that are effective to cure Rheumatic Fever are:

  • Amruthotharam Kashayam.
  • Rasna Panchakam kashayam.
  • Rasnasapthakam kasahayam.
  • Shaddharanam choornam.
  • Sudarsanam Gulika.
  • Yogaraja Guggulu.
  • Amrutharishtam.
  • Panchkula Choornam.
  • Gandharvahasthadi avanakkenna .

Herbal Remedies For Rheumatic Fever

Some of the herbs help to relieve the inflammation caused by Rheumatic Fever are:

  • Garlic

    Garlic Works as an anti-inflammatory agent. Garlic has antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiseptic properties from allicin (Chemical content in garlic). Allicin helps to kill the bacteria causing acne. It also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, and improve blood circulation. .

  • Turmeric

    Curcumin, a compound in turmeric, may reduce inflammation in the body. It decreases the swelling and gives relief from muscle pain. Take 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder in a glass of hot milk and drink it twice a day. .

  • Asparagus Seed

    It helps in reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms. It neutralizes the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.

  • Black Cumin

    In Ayurveda, black cumin is also called kalonji. It is known to balance both Vata and Kapha, and increase Pitta. Its tastes are pungent and bitter, and its energetic action is heating. This herb may have powerful anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

  • Fenugreek

    The presence of antioxidants in fenugreek gives it great potential as an anti-inflammatory agent. Studies suggest that the high antioxidant flavonoid content in fenugreek seeds can reduce inflammation. So it effectively treats Swelling related to Rheumatic fever.

  • Ajwain

    Ajwain can also help to soothe pain and swelling. The seeds have anti-inflammatory effects and may reduce inflammation in your body. Crushed seeds can be made into a paste and applied to the skin at the joints to treat arthritis pain. .

Herbal remedies that are reducing the symptoms of Rheumatic Fever are garlic, turmeric, black cumin, Asparagus seed, Fenugreek, and Ajwain.


The above-mentioned information related to Rheumatic Fever is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of your doctor before self-medication.

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