Ayurvedic Benefits Of Punarnava Mandooram

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Punarnava Mandooram
Punarnava Mandooram is an Ayurvedic formula in the form of tablets that effectively manage various health conditions such as splenomegaly, anaemia, chronic fever, haemorrhoids, etc.
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Ingredients Of Punarnava Mandooram
General constituents of Punarnava Mandooram are Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Haridra (Curcuma longa), Shunti (Zingiber Officinale), Pippali (Piper longum), Chvya (Piper chaba), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Amla (Emblica officinalis), etc.
Medicinal Properties Of Punarnava Mandooram
The herbal constituents of Punarnava Mandooram possess the following medicinal properties.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Immuno-modulatory.
- Anti-stress.
- Carminative.
- Anti-bacterial.
- Anti-diarrheal.
- Diuretic.
- Antioxidant.
- Antipyretic.
Ayurveda recommends the consumption of Punarnava Mandooram to manage the following health conditions.
- Chronic fever.
- Haemorrhoids.
- Splegenomaly.
- Anaemia.
- Dermatitis.
- Infective skin diseases.
- Inflammatory conditions.
Health Benefits Of Punarnava Mandooram
Punarnava Mandooram is an excellent Ayurvedic formula that is very helpful in improving blood count, removing toxins from the blood and improving blood quality.
- Treat anaemia
Punarnava Mandooram improves haemoglobin levels and enhances the total iron-binding capacity. Hence, very effective in the treatment of anaemia.
- Boosts immunity
The immuno-modulatory properties of Punarnava Mandooram boost metabolism and improve immunity and strength.
- Treat Kidney and urinary disorders
Punarnava Mandooram is rich in diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties that improve kidney and urinary functions.
- Purifies blood
Punarnava Mandooram helps to detoxify the blood. Hence, control the increase of cholesterol, creatinine, etc.
- Treat digestive disorders
Punarnava Mandooram is rich in carminative and diaphoretic properties. The formula helps to treat inflammation, swelling and fluid accumulation. Hence, treat digestive disorders.
The accurate dosages of Punarnava Mandooram vary according to age, gender, and health conditions.
Side Effects
- There are no known side effects with the consumption of Punarnava Mandooram.
- Over dosages may cause poisonous effects.
The consumption of Punarnava Mandooram during pregnancy and lactation should be under strict medical advice only.
All information related to the health benefits of Punarnava Mandooram derives from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly talk to an Ayurvedic physician before starting self-medication.
- Charaka Samhita-Chikitsa Sthana-16/93-95, Bhaishajya Ratnavali.