Ayurvedic Management Of Amyloidosis

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Amyloidosis is a condition in which an abnormal protein called amyloid builds up in your tissues and organs and interferes with their normal function. If you are not treating it at the right time, it can lead to life-threatening organ failure. Amyloidosis can affect different organs and tissues in people and can affect more than one organ at the same time. Amyloidosis frequently affects the kidneys, heart, nervous system, liver, and digestive tract. The symptoms and severity of amyloidosis depend on the organs and tissues affected. It usually affects people between the ages of 60 and 70. Amyloidosis occurs more commonly in men.
As per Ayurveda, Amyloidosis is caused by vitiation of Kapha. This causes blockage of channels along with immunoglobulins and affects organs, impairing functions. The amyloid deposits cannot be directly removed. But there are treatments to stop more of the abnormal proteins being produced and treat your symptoms. These treatments can give your body time to gradually clear the deposits before they build up again. Ayurvedic treatment of amyloidosis along with Ayurvedic herbs, diet and lifestyle changes, yoga, and breathing exercises can cure amyloidosis.
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Causes And Types Of Amyloidosis
Different types of Amyloidosis with its causes are:
- AL Amyloidosis (Immunoglobulin Light Chain Amyloidosis)
Immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis is a clonal, nonproliferative plasma cell disorder in which fragments of immunoglobulin light or heavy chain are deposited in tissues. It is the most common type and used to be called primary amyloidosis. AL stands for “amyloid light chains,” which are the type of protein responsible for the condition. It can affect your kidneys, heart, liver, intestines, and nerves.
- AA amyloidosis
AA amyloidosis, also known as secondary amyloidosis, occurs when serum protein A levels in the bloodstream remain high for a long time. AA means the amyloid type A protein. This can be seen in chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and chronic infections.
- Dialysis-related amyloidosis (DRA)
This is more common in older adults and people who have been on dialysis for more than 5 years. It is caused by deposits of beta-2 microglobulin that build up in the blood. Deposits can build up in many different tissues, but they most commonly affect bones, joints, and tendons.
- Familial, or hereditary, amyloidosis
It often affects the liver, nerves, heart, and kidneys. Many genetic defects are linked to a higher chance of developing amyloid disease. For example, an abnormal protein like transthyretin (TTR) can be the cause.
- Age-related (senile) systemic amyloidosis
This is caused by deposits of normal TTR in the heart and other tissues. It happens most commonly in older men.
- Organ-specific amyloidosis
This causes deposits of amyloid protein in single organs, including the skin (cutaneous amyloidosis).
Amyloidosis can be categorized into different types. They are AL Amyloidosis, AA Amyloidosis, Dialysis-related amyloidosis, Familial, or hereditary, amyloidosis, Age-related (senile) systemic amyloidosis, and Organ-specific amyloidosis.
Symptoms Of Amyloidosis
Signs and symptoms of amyloidosis may include:
- An irregular heartbeat.
- An enlarged tongue, which sometimes looks rippled around its edge.
- Diarrhea, possibly with blood, or constipation.
- Swelling of your ankles and legs.
- Skin changes, such as thickening or easy bruising, and purplish patches around the eyes.
- Difficulty swallowing.
- Unable to lie flat in bed due to shortness of breath.
- Severe fatigue and weakness.
- Shortness of breath with minimal exertion.
- Numbness, tingling or pain in your hands or feet, especially pain in your wrist. .
- Unintentional weight loss. .
Ayurvedic Management Of Amyloidosis
The Ayurvedic treatment of this condition is aimed at treating the presenting symptoms and preventing organ failure. We can attain this aim through dietary guidelines, herbal remedies, and some yoga techniques.
1. Dietary Guidelines
Diet and nutrition play a role in causing or preventing primary amyloidosis of the kidneys or dialysis-related amyloidosis. Dietary changes such as:
- Limit dietary sodium, often from salt, to help reduce edema and lower blood pressure.
- Eat a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol to control excess fat and cholesterol in the blood.
- People with kidney disease eat moderate or reduced amounts of protein.
- Take a tasty, digestible, easily swallowable balanced diet.
- Include fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber, in your diet, like bananas, pineapples, papayas, oranges, spinach, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.
- Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial. .
- Avoid excessive fluid. It helps to reduce symptoms of leg swelling and shortness of breath.
- Avoid excessive consumption of coffee, alcohol, junk foods, and spices.
- Eat less at a time and avoid having two to three heavy meals in a day.
2. Yoga Asana For Amyloidosis
Yoga, along with breathing exercises, keeps the mind and body in a sound state. It normalizes the body's hormones and balances the Tridosha (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). They help to maintain the water balance in the body. This enables sound sleep and hence better rest. Some important yoga asana for renal amyloidosis are:
- Naukasana (Boat Pose).
- Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose).
- Vajrasana.
- PawanMuktasana.
- Manduk asana.
- Bhujangasana.
- Shalabhasana.
- Shavasana.
- Ardha Matsyendrasana.
- Paschimottanasana .
- Anulom Vilom.
- Kapal Banti.
Natural Remedies For Amyloidosis
Some of the natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of Amyloidosis are:
- Do regular light exercises like walking, jogging, stretching, running, or anything that helps keep you moving.
- Do meditation and deep breathing exercises for sound sleep.
- Reducing the amount of salt in your diet can reduce swelling in the body.
- Foot massage at bedtime helps with sound sleep. It can increase blood flow to alleviate your symptoms.
- Limit the intake of dried beans, mushrooms, potatoes, spinach, apricots, etc.
- Limit your intake of all dairy products. .
- Avoid or limit the intake of protein and potassium-rich fruits and other foods, so exclude all citrus fruits.
- Consume coconut water and aloe vera as they are good to detoxify the body.
- Basil leaves are good to have to enhance the immune system. Chew fresh leaves of basil every morning on an empty stomach.
- Avoid smoking and chewing tobacco.
3. Herbal Remedies For Amyloidosis
Several herbs have positive effects on this condition: They are as follow:
- Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)
Punarnava is an effective remedy to maintain fluid levels in the cells and help with the healthy flow of urine. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, Punarnava reduces swelling in the feet and joints. Regular use of this ayurvedic herb treats kidney failure and revitalizes the whole body.
- Kaasni (Cichorium intybus)
Kaasni is another Ayurvedic herb to treat all kinds of kidney disorders. It is very effective for respiratory problems. It acts as an anti-inflammatory.
- Varun (Crataeva nurvala)
Varun treats kidney failure from its root. It fights against kidney stones by decreasing the body’s production of oxalate and deactivating the glycolate oxidase enzyme. It provides strength to the urinary tract and prostate function. This herb is effective in the treatment of chronic migraines, kidney stones, intestinal worms, intestinal bleeding, renal calculi, and more.
- Gokshur (Tribulus Terrestris)
This ayurvedic herb helps to cure urinary problems caused by renal infection, urinary discharge, and kidney failure. It enhances a person’s immunity power and capability to fight against foreign bodies effectively.
- Palash (Butea monosperma)
This is considered the best Ayurvedic herb for the proper functioning of the kidneys and removes symptoms of kidney failure. It boosts liver and kidney functions. It acts as an antiseptic and helps one get rid of intestinal infections, worm infestations, intestinal parasites, etc. Thus, it is beneficial in wiping out symptoms of kidney failure. It efficiently controls diabetes by reducing blood sugar. It is a remedy for broken bones and fractures.
- Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Giloy or Guduchi is very useful in managing diabetes by improving blood glucose levels. It also helps to manage diabetes-related complications such as ulcers, wounds, and kidney damage due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is beneficial for removing toxins from the body, purifying the blood, and helping to remove deposited proteins from the body. Thus, it improves metabolism. .
- Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica)
Amla acts as a diuretic agent and also helps to enhance food absorption, balance stomach acids, fortify the liver, and nourish the brain and mental functioning. Along with Vitamin C, amla is also rich in iron, calcium, and phosphorus and hence can be taken as a complete nutritional drink.
- Haridra (Curcuma longa)
Haridra has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is effectively treated with Amyloidosis. It also reduces swelling, improves blood circulation, and removes toxins from the body. It has both antioxidant and immunomodulatory properties. So it helps to improve the immune system.
Herbs like Punarnava, Kaasni, Varun, Gokshur, Palash, Guduchi, Amalaki, Haridra, etc help resolve the accumulated protein and penetrate deep to improve the normal functions of cells.
The above-mentioned information related to Amyloidosis is taken from various Ayurvedic resources. Always take the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before starting herbs and herbal medicines for treatment.