Ayurvedic Remedies To Cure Hyperlipidemia

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Ayurveda has effective solutions for treating various diseases. Hyperlipidemia also can be prevented through natural methods of treatment.
Ayurveda suggests proper Ahara and Vihara techniques to control Hyperlipidemia.
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1. Ahara( Diet)
Some of the best dietary recommendations to control Hyperlipidemia are
- Include more fruits and vegetables in the diet regularly.
- Avoid regular use of fried foods.
- Avoid the use of salty and sour foods.
- Add good fats to the diet like seeds, olive oil, nuts, etc.
- Limit the use of red meat, dairy products, etc.
- Consume more water daily.
2. Vihar (Lifestyle Changes)
Common lifestyle changes that have to be followed to control Hyperlipidemia is
- Try to get up early in the morning.
- Avoid sleeping during the daytime which will cause slowing of metabolism and the srotas (channels) will get filled with ama(toxin).
- Practice Pranayama and breathing exercises regularly.
- Practice Surya Namaskar daily.
Ayurveda suggests that proper management of Ahara and Vihara can control the symptoms of Hyperlipidemia.
The information provided regarding Hyperlipidemia is based on references to various ancient Ayurvedic books. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioner for better advice and care before starting any herbs or herbal treatments.
Ahara,Vihara, Hyperlipidemia, Pranayama, Ayurveda