Ayurvedic Remedies To Improve Thyroid Health

Ayurvedic Remedies To Improve Thyroid Health photo

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Ayurveda has various natural ways to cure diseases without any side effects. Thyroid disorders can also be prevented through effective Ayurvedic treatments. Panchakarma is the popular treatment suggested by Ayurveda in preventing thyroid disorders.

Ayurvedic Remedies

Panchakarma treatments are Vamana, virechana, Nasya, Dhara, and Shiro Dhara.

  • Vamana

    Vamana is one of the Panchakarma treatments in which amas (toxins) from the body are eliminated through the upper channel, mouth. .

  • Virechana

    Virechana is another Panchakarma therapy in which Ayurvedic medicines are administered for the cleansing of pitta through the lower pathways.

  • Nasya Therapy

    Nasya therapy means the administration of medicated oils into your nasal passage. Nasya therapy is designed to detox, restore balance, and build immunity.

  • Dhara

    Dhara is a Panchakarma treatment that helps to stimulate the thyroid. Dhara is the process of pouring medicated oil on your throat and the head to stimulate the thyroid.

  • Shiro Dhara

    Shiro Dhara is the process of pouring liquids like milk, buttermilk, medicated oils, water, etc on your forehead. Shiro Dhara helps to make changes in the levels of thyroid-releasing hormone and can thus help improve symptoms for someone with abnormal levels of the hormone.

Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Dhara, and Shiro Dhara are popular Panchakarma therapies used in preventing thyroid disorders.

Lifestyle Changes To Manage Thyroid Conditions

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Always consume fresh and healthy food.
  • Avoid very hot, very cold, and fried foods.
  • Quit smoking and alcohol consumption.
  • Include more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in the diet.
  • Practice yoga postures like Surya namaskara, Sarvanga asana, Janusirsasana, etc to improve the effective functioning of the Thyroid gland. .

Thyroid disorders can be controlled through proper management of herbal usages, Ayurvedic treatments, and lifestyle changes.


All the information regarding Thyroid disorders and treatments was collected from various Ayurvedic resources. Better to get the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before self-medication.


  • Ayurvedic Samhita.

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