Health Benefits Of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha (Lehya)

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Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha
Ayurveda is an alternate medicinal system that originated in India more than 5000 years ago. Ayurveda aims to treat diseases naturally. Herbs and spices are the ingredients of Ayurvedic formulations that are rich in medicinal properties.
Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha is a classic Ayurvedic formula in the form of Lehyam(jam). The lehyam is a rich combination of herbs with multiple health benefits. As per Ayurveda, Chitrak Haritaki helps treat diseases like respiratory disorders like cold, cough, sinusitis, flu, asthma, anorexia, etc. Chitrak and haritaki are the primary ingredients of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha.
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Ingredients Of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha
- Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica Linn. .
- Amalaki Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. .
- Guduchi Tinosporacordifolia (Willd.) .
- Haritaki Terminaliachebula Retz. .
- Dashamoola Aegle marmelos Correa.
- Bilva Premna integrifolia Linn.
- Agnimantha Oroxylumindicum Vent.
- Shyonaka Stereospermum suaveolens DC.
- Patala Gmelinaarborea Roxb.
- Gambhari Solanumindicum Linn.
- Brihati Solanum xanthocarpum Linn.
- Kantakari Desmodium gangeticum DC.
- Shalaparni Urariapicta Desv.
- Prushniparni Tribulus Terrestris Linn.
- Gokshura Tribulus Terrestris.
- Tvak Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume.
- Ela Elettaria cardamomum Maton.
- Patra Cinnamomum tamala Nees.
- Yavakshara Potassium carbonate.
- Madhu Honey.
- Sharkara Sugar.
- Trikatu (Mixture containing an equal amount of rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, the fruit of Piper longum Linn. and Piper nigrum Linn.).
Powerful herbal ingredients of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleh are Chitrak, Haritaki, Trikatu, Sharkara, Madhu, Yavakshara, Patra, Ela, Gokshura, Tvak, Amalaki, Guduchi, Dasamoola, Bilva, Agnimantha, Shyonaka, Patala, Brihati, Gambhari, Kantakari, Shalaparni, and Prushniparni.
Medicinal Properties Of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha
The herbal ingredients of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha are rich in medicinal properties like:
- Antioxidant.
- Antibacterial.
- Anti Inflammatory.
- Antitussive.
- Mucolytics.
- Carminative.
- Immunomodulator.
- Detoxifier.
Medicinal properties contained in Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, detoxifier, antitussive, and carminative.
Ayurveda suggests Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha for people who suffer from the following health conditions.
- Cold.
- Cough.
- Sinusitis.
- Asthma.
- Anorexia.
- Bronchitis.
- Flatulence.
- Abdominal distension.
Medicinal Benefits Of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha
Following are the health conditions that can be managed with Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha.
- Manages sinusitis
Sinusitis is an infection that could result from breathing congestion. Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha reduces the discharge from the nose, improves breathing, and prevents nasal congestion.
- Reduce cough
Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha helps clear mucus ( especially yellow-colored) in the lungs. It prevents bacterial growth and infections of the chest.
- Treat common cold
Common cold is an infection that develops due to bacteria. Chitrak haritaki avaleha prevents nasal irritations, nasal congestion, anorexia, etc.
- Manages chronic bronchitis
Chitrak haritaki avaleha aids in the reduction of cough, inflammations, and infections. And Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha can also help with bronchitis symptoms.
- Treat anorexia
Chitrak haritaki avaleha enhances metabolism, improves digestion, and appetite naturally.
Various health conditions such as cough, cold, asthma, bronchitis, anorexia, etc can be treated with the consumption of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha.
Dosage Of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha
- Children can take 2 grams of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha along with milk twice a day.
- Adults can take 2.5 to 5 grams of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha along with milk twice a day.
Side Effects
- No serious side effects were reported with the consumption of Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha. However, overdosages of Chitrak Haritaki Avalehs may cause gastric troubles. .
- Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha is not recommended for infants.
- Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha is not recommended during pregnancy and lactating period.
All the information related to Chitrak Haritaki Avaleha is obtained from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Bhaishajya Ratnavali Nasa Roga : 31-33.