Health Benefits Of Lohasava

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Lohasava is an Ayurvedic medicine for Anemia. It contains naturally processed Iron. The presence of 4– 10 % of self-generated alcohol in Lohasava acts as a medium to deliver water and alcohol soluble active herbal components to the body. It is considered an Ayurvedic liver tonic. It effectively treats anemia, swelling, asthma, piles, fistula, and liver conditions. It is also beneficial for loss of appetite. It promotes weight loss and thus removes excessive fats from the body. Along with these benefits, it is also helpful in the management of diseases such as jaundice, hepatitis, spleen enlargement, fatty liver, malabsorption syndrome, cough, asthma, etc. The presence of hot potency in Lohasava reduces fatty tissues.
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Ingredients Of Lohasava
The main compositions in Lohasava are the following:
- Shodhita Loha (Purified, herbal processed Iron).
- Shunti (Ginger).
- Black pepper.
- Long pepper.
- Haritaki.
- Vibhitaki.
- Amla.
- Yavani.
- Vidanga.
- Mustaka.
- Chitra (Eranda).
- Dhataki.
- Honey.
- Jaggery.
- Water.
Medicinal Properties Of Lohasava
Lohasava has the following medicinal properties.
- Haematinic. .
- Hematogenic. .
- Aam Pachak (Detoxifier).
- Anthelmintic.
- Antihyperlipidemic.
- Cardioprotective.
- Cholagogue (promotes the discharge of bile).
- Depurative (purifies blood).
- Anti-obesity & Fat Burner.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Mucolytic.
Ayurvedic Properties Of Lohasava
Lohasava has Ayurvedic properties like:
- Guna
Laghu (Light),Ushna (Hot) Rukshna (Dry).
- Virya
Ushna (Hot).
- Prabhava
Ayurvedic properties of Lohasava are light, hot, and haematinic actions.
Health Benefits Of Lohasava
Lohasava performs its functions on blood, heart, spleen, liver, and fatty tissues, so it cures the diseases related to these organs. Its main benefits are discussed below:
- Treats Anemia
The presence of haematinic and hematogenic properties in Lohasava increases hemoglobin levels and helps in the formation of red blood cells. It contains a good amount of iron, which can help to treat iron deficiency anemia. .
- Cures Obesity
Lohasava is an effective remedy to cure obesity. It helps to reduce body fat by increasing the metabolic rate Thus it promotes weight loss and reduces belly fat significantly. .
- Treats Jaundice
As per Ayurveda Lohasava is a very good Ayurvedic formulation to heal Jaundice. It removes excess Kapha, fat, blockage, etc. It also improves the bile flow and its excretion.
- Chronic fever and debility
Common symptoms associated with fever include sweating, shivering, headaches, muscle aches, poor appetite, rash, restlessness, and general body weakness. Lohasava helps treat all these symptoms and debility that happen after fever including malaria and typhoid fever. It increases digestive fire, so it improves appetite.
- Treats Splenomegaly and Hepatomegaly
Swelling or enlargement of the liver is called Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly means swelling or enlargement of the spleen. Lohasava is a useful medicine in Hepato splenomegaly as a result of anemia and other liver and spleen disorders.
- Good in Heart diseases
The presence of cardioprotective properties treats diseases related to the heart.
Lohasava is an Ayurvedic medicine for Anemia. It is a liquid Ayurvedic medicine. It contains naturally processed Iron. The Major benefits of Lohasava are it treats anemia, jaundice, obesity, Chronic fever, and debility. It is an effective remedy for heart diseases. It treats Splenomegaly and Hepatomegaly too.
Dosage For Lohasava
Take 10 to 20 ml with an equal amount of water once or twice after meals.
Side Effects Of Lohasava
- Lohasava is safe when it should be taken under medical supervision.
- A high dose may cause gastritis and vomiting.
- In some people, it can cause constipation due to the presence of iron content in Lohasava.
Precautions Of Lohasava
- Diabetic people should regularly check their blood glucose level if taking Lohasava because it contains sugar content, which may increase the blood glucose level.
- During Pregnancy and lactation avoid self-medication. Consult with your Ayurvedic doctor for the first use.
All the information related to Lohasava is based on different Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before self-medication.
- Sharangdhara Samhita. .
- Bhaishajya Ratnavali. .