Health Benefits Of Nishamalaki

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Nishamalaki is a herbal formula in the form of churna and gulika. Nishamalaki can treat various health conditions such as diabetic nephropathy, infections, allergies, urinary disorders etc. Amla and Haldi are the primary ingredients of Nishamalaki.
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Ingredients Of Nishamalaki
The primary ingredients of Nishamalaki are Amala (Emblica Officinalis) and Haldi (Curcuma Longa).
Medicinal Properties Of Nishamalaki
The herbal ingredients of Nishamalaki possess the following medicinal qualities.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Anti-diabetic.
- Antioxidant.
- Antibacterial.
- Antimicrobial.
- Anti-fungal.
- Anti-hyperglycemic.
- Anti-allergic.
The consumption of Nishamalaki can manage the following health conditions:
- Diabetic Nephropathy.
- Infections.
- Urinary disorders.
- Skin allergies.
Health Benefits Of Nishamalaki
Nishamalaki is beneficial in managing various health conditions.
- Treat allergic symptoms
The anti-allergic properties of Nishamalaki protects the body from various allergic symptoms.
- Treat diabetes
Nishamalaki is rich in anti-diabetic properties that can manage blood glucose levels and other diabetic symptoms.
- Treat diabetic nephropathy
Nishamalaki can manage kidney damage due to diabetes.
- Treat cardiovascular diseases
Nishamalaki is rich in cardio-protective properties that can protect the heart from various health conditions.
- Treat urinary disorders
The diuretic properties of Nishamalaki treat urinary disorders naturally.
Nishamalaki can manage health conditions such as urinary disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetic nephropathy, allergies, etc.
The precise dosages of Nishamalaki differ from person to person depending on age, gender, and health conditions.
Side Effects
There are no known side effects with the consumption of Nishamalaki.
The consumption of Nishamalaki during pregnancy and lactation should be under medical supervision only.
All information related to the health benefits of Nishamalaki takes from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.