Importance Of Thaila Dhara For The Rejuvenation Of The Body

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Thaila Dhara
Thaila Dhara or Pizhichil is one of the common forms of Kerala Ayurveda chikitsa. It is the combination of two classical ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (Oleation) and Swedana (Sudation). It is one of the parts of Panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. In this procedure, streams of lukewarm medicated oil are poured on the whole body or the affected area with a simultaneous soft massage. It needs three trained therapists – one for warming the oil and two others for pouring the warm medicated oil over the whole body or affected area. Thaila Dhara helps to treat rheumatic complaints, arthritis, neurological disorders, and paralysis. It is very effective in cases of sexual weakness, anxiety, and body aches. Pizhichil is performed in seven standard body positions, and no area is left out. The duration of the treatment varies from 30 to 45 minutes. Depending on the conditions of the patient, the duration of the treatment is done in a course like 7 days, 14 days, etc.
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Indications For Pizhichil Or Thaila Dhara
This is an Ayurvedic therapy that is effective for curing skeletal and muscular disorders. Other than muscular and skeletal disorders, this Ayurvedic therapy is also used for getting relief from several other health conditions like:
- Rheumatic diseases. .
- Vata dosha disorders.
- Paralysis.
- Arthritis.
- Sexual weakness.
- Insomnia.
- High blood pressure.
- Depression.
- Nervous weakness.
- Neurological disorders.
- Muscular aches.
- Dislocated or stiff joints.
How To Do Thaila Dhara (Procedure)
According to Ayurveda, the term Pizhichil refers to squeezing. The procedure involves the squeezing of warm, medicated oil from a cloth. It is followed by a massage of the entire body except for the head. This procedure involves the following steps:
The first step is that the Ayurvedic therapist evaluates your Prakruti, Vikruti, and dosha imbalance before prescribing the type of medicated oil to be used. Then a light massage is given. After that warm medicated oil is squeezed on the patient’s body using a cloth. From time to time, the cloth is dipped in a vessel that contains the medicated oil. It takes one hour for the procedure to get completed. Based on your requirements, the frequency of the therapy is prescribed by your Ayurvedic doctor.
Medicines Used For Thaila Dhara
As per Ayurveda, Thaila Dhara needs Ayurvedic medicated oil which includes the following herbal oils:
- Sahacharadi Thailam.
- Narayana Thailam.
- Dhanwantharam Thailam.
- Bala Thailam. .
- Prbhanjanavimardana Thailam.
In most cases, these oils are combined for the treatment. It should be done by a qualified Ayurvedic physician.
Benefits Of Thaila Dhara
Thaila Dhara is an Ayurvedic treatment method, which includes the continuous pouring of medicated oil over the head for up to 45 minutes. The major benefits of Thaila Dhara are as follow:
- Thaila Dhara revitalizes the body by nourishing and rejuvenating the skin, regulating blood pressure, combating depression, and slowing aging.
- It helps in promoting proper circulation and hence clearing the channels.
- It is an effective therapy for curing Vata imbalance.
- It helps in relieving body pains, inflammations, and stiffness.
- The powerful applications of herbal oils in this treatment detoxify the body and get rejuvenated.
- It calms the mind, body, and soul to get soothed.
- It is an effective remedy for stress and anxiety.
- The powerful combinations of herbal oil improve Blood circulation.
- It also helps to improve overall physical and mental health.
- It enhances Muscular tone.
- It cures insomnia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraine, and problems caused to the ear, ears, nose, throat, and head.
- It soothes the entire nervous system, and the nerves get strengthened.
- It is helpful in paralysis, muscular pain, and neurological complaints. It helps in preventing aging, scales, wrinkles, and laziness.
- It heals fractured bones and enhances overall body immunity.
Taila Dhara is an Ayurvedic treatment method, which includes the continuous pouring of medicated oil overhead for up to 45 minutes. It is prescribed as a cure for insomnia, schizophrenia, epilepsy, migraine, and problems caused to the ear, ears, nose, throat, and head. Taila Dhara soothes the nervous system. This is the process of dropping medicated oil on the body. This is helpful in paralysis, muscular pain, and neurological complaints. It helps in preventing aging, scales, wrinkles, and laziness.
All the information related to Taila Dhara or Pizhichil is based on various Ayurvedic resources. The treatment depends on your condition and requirements. You should strictly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before doing Thaila Dhara treatment.