Karkidaka Chikitsa-An Ayurvedic Miracle During Monsoon Season

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Karkidaka Chikitsa
In Kerala, according to the Malayalam calendar, Karkidakam is the last month which falls from July to August and this is the period of monsoon season also. The monsoon season in Kerala experiences heavy clouds and rainfall, strong cold winds which often come after a very hot summer. The rains increase the chances of disease spread through drinking water, drainage water, water in atmospheric air, etc. causing fever, infections, etc. In Karkidaka month we are concentrating more on spiritual, mental, and physical health. Our ancestors had followed several customs to address and minimize the pains during Karkidaka.
Ayurveda considers Karkidaka to be the most favorable time for treatments and therapeutic health care routines. The monsoon Ayurvedic treatment includes various therapies which help to provide energy to the mind and body throughout the year. This article gives you a detailed description of Karkidaka chikitsa and how it influences our overall well-being.
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The Importance Of Karkidaka Chikitsa During Monsoon
According to Ayurveda, Karkidaka chikitsa is a set of Ayurvedic therapies recommended during this monsoon season along with a strict dietary routine. The practice is based on doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that are influenced by the rhythm of nature, seasonal change, and the time of the year. Karkidaka chikitsa aims to prevent illnesses caused by the imbalance of three doshas and boost immunity in this rainy season.
Monsoon is the best season for Karkidaka chikitsa because monsoon can harm the body, and practicing Karkidaka chikitsa during this season provides great relief and holistically heals the body. Summer months create a lot of toxins in our body and the arrival of the monsoon season worsens the condition. As a result, there is an increase in Vata dosha which causes diseases.
Ayurveda says that during the winding up of the summer season there is a chance of increasing the acidity level in the crops. As a result, the consumption of these crops leads to an increase in pitta dosha which causes digestive problems, acidity, inflammation, and fever. The chances of food and water becoming contaminated are higher in this season, and their consumption aggravates Kapha dosha, which causes cough and cold, allergies, and skin infections.
So if we are practicing Karkidaka chikitsa during Monsoon season that helps to balance the doshas thoroughly and also ensures a disease-free body. Not only that, practicing Karkidaka chikitsa gives good relief for people who are suffering from chronic medical conditions like spondylitis, backache, arthritis, muscular pain, stress, insomnia, and depression. Because of all these reasons, it is important to follow Karkidaka chikitsa in the monsoon season.
The Karkidaka Chikitsa helps to balance the doshas in the body. These treatments are also effective in the prevention of diseases and increasing energy levels, rejuvenating the body, and extending the longevity of life. Moreover, it also prevents many other ailments such as arthritis, spondylitis, back pain, insomnia, muscular pain, stress, and depression.
Different Types Of Karkidaka Chikitsa Or Treatment
Karkidaka Chikitsa aims for detoxification, rejuvenation as well as beautification of the mind and body. It is also known as Rithu Charya treatment in Ayurveda. The major therapies followed during the month of Karkidaka are:
- Abhyanga
It is a form of Ayurvedic oil massage therapy that involves massage of the entire body from the head to the toe with Dosha-specific warm herb-infused oil. It is one of the most preferred therapies for the overall health of the body and mind during the Karkidaka season. It helps to strengthen the body, boost your immunity and also rejuvenate your physical and mental condition. It is the best treatment for joint pains and other general body pain that is common in monsoon.
- Swedana
Swedana is a steam treatment explained in Ayurvedic medical science. It is practiced to induce sweating through medicated steam generated by herbal decoction. Swedana is usually done to rejuvenate the body, eliminating toxins. This treatment is usually done after the oil massage Abhyanga.
- Basti
It is a kind of Ayurvedic therapy in which herbal enema for treating several illnesses and to remove ‘ama’ toxins from the body. During the Karkidaka season, Basti treatment helps to wipe out Vata-related disorders such as arthritis, constipation, osteoporosis, dryness, nervous disorders, and many other bodily tissues.
- Panchakarma
Panchakarma treatment is the widely recommended Ayurvedic therapy for several diseases. Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment promotes the cleansing and rejuvenation of the body. The treatment includes five procedures to eliminate the vitiated doshas. They are as follow
- Purvakarma
It is the first step of panchakarma treatment in which the body is prepared for treatment by loosening toxins and excess doshas.
- Virechana
Virechana can heal and purify the mind as well as the body from within.
- Vamana
It is a type of vomiting therapy that is used in treating kaphaja disorders.
- Nasya
Nasya treatment refers to an Ayurvedic therapy that includes the installation of herbal oils, juices, or powders through the nasal route. .
- Niroohavasti
Niruha Vasti is a cleansing enema in which herbal decoction mixed with honey, rock salt, etc are administered through the anal route.
Karkidaka Chikitsa helps in promoting health and in preventing lifestyle diseases and keeps Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in balance. Different types of Ayurvedic treatment in Karkidaka month include Abhyanga, Swedana, Basti, and Panchakarma. The five types of Panchakarma treatment are Purvakarma, Virechana, Vamana, Nasya, and Niruha Basti.
Diet In Karkidaka Month
According to Ayurveda, Agni or digestive fire is responsible for the proper digestion of food items. But the vitiation of Pitta dosha interrupts digestion and leads to serious health issues. Hence, an ideal diet is recommended to follow during the monsoon season to balance the doshas and support digestion. Among them the most important ones are karkidaka kanji or oushadha kanji.
Karkidaka kanji: Porridge for rainy days also known as oushadha kanji or karkidaka kanji.It is a medicinal rice soup and a traditional item of Kerala during the rainy days. This tasty dish has a special effect in removing monsoon fevers.
It is prepared with 20 odd herbs, nine pulses, and cereals. It helps to treat rheumatic disorders that occur mainly during the monsoon season. It also acts as a detoxifying agent and thus strengthening one's immune system. This medicated gruel is prepared with Njavara rice and other ingredients like fenugreek, cumin seed, coriander seeds, aniseed, mustard seed, Ajwain (ayamodakam), peppergrass or garden cress (aashali), dry ginger, cloves (grambu), etc. It also helps in the revitalization of the body.
Other dietary recommendations during this Monsoon season include:- Drink warm water.
- Have easily digestible and light food.
- Eat cooked vegetables than eating raw salads.
- Include garlic, ginger, and asafoetida in the diet for better digestion .
- Follow an early to bed and early to rise routine.
Things To Avoid During Karkidaka
Ayurveda suggests some of the items you must have to avoid during this Karkidaka month are:
- Excess exercise.
- Day sleeping.
- Exposure to sun.
- Shita ahara,vihara (cold diet and regimen).
- Fish in diet.
- Avoid curd, potatoes, excess use of garlic, pulses like gram as it leads to abdominal discomfort.
- Avoid fried, spicy, and junk foods.
Along with this Karkidaka Chikitsa, we must follow a special diet recommended by Ayurveda. The most important diet is Karkidaka kanji. It has a special power to remove monsoon-related diseases and helps to rejuvenate the body. Other diets include drinking at least 2 liters of lukewarm water daily. Avoid non-vegetarian foods, fried foods, alcohol, and smoking. Include a healing diet to enhance immunity.
Benefits Of Karkidaka Chikitsa
Following are some of the benefits of Karkidaka Chikitsa or treatment.
- Detoxifies the body
One of the benefits of Karkidaka chikitsa is that it unblocks the energy pathways by stimulating the energy points, naturally improving the oxygenation of the cells and tissues, flushes out the toxins, cleanse the body, and thereby improving health.
- Boost the immunity
The major component of Karkidaka chikitsa is Karkidaka kanji, which is prepared with herbs. It also promotes strength and boosts your immunity.
- Prevent monsoon illnesses
Karkidaka chikitsa means Monsoon treatment. Monsoon causes a lot of physical changes in our bodies. It also affects the environment that leads to fever, cough, cold, digestive problems, and other ailments also. Monsoon treatment removes toxins, prevents illness, and also rejuvenates the body.
- Relieving current diseases and infections
According to Ayurveda, the disease is produced due to an imbalance between physical and mental elements, as it reduces the resistance of the body against disease. Karkidaka Chikitsa helps to relieve current diseases and infections.
- Rejuvenate the body and soul
Karkidaka Chikitsa aims for, rejuvenation, detoxification as well as beautification of the soul and body. All the therapies practiced in Karkidaka chikitsa help to improve blood circulation and increase oxygen and nutrient levels in the tissues to rejuvenate and refresh the body.
- Weight Reduction
Overweight and Obesity are reasons for many diseases and these therapies help to discard flab breaking down fat deposits and toning the body.
Ayurveda provides good relief to ward off all the diseases through the proper therapies and natural medications that help the balancing of aggravated doshas and maintain health during the downfall. A few benefits of karkidaka chikitsa include Weight reduction, Rejuvenate the body and soul, Alleviating current diseases and infections, Boost immunity, Detoxifies the body, etc.
All the information regarding Karkidaka Chikitsa is based on different Ayurvedic resources. Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting karkidaka Chikitsa for various health disorders during monsoon.
- Purvakarma