Yoga Postures For Weight Loss

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Yoga is a healthy way of life. Yoga helps to bring a balance between mind and body. Practicing Yoga regularly offers infinite health benefits like a healthy body, peaceful mind, and life. Yoga originated in Nepal around 15000 years ago. The importance of yoga was mentioned in Upanishads and Vedas. Regular practice of yoga makes your body flexible and improves postures. Yoga helps to relate your mind and body.

The Sanskrit meaning of Yoga is ' union', which emphasizes that yoga is the union of body, mind, and soul. There are several yoga institutes we can find across the world. The yoga system consists of Pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (postures), meditation, and chants. By regular practice, yoga boosts the immune system and rejuvenates the whole body. Meditation and chants in yoga ensure a stress relieved life and the practice of postures ensures physical fitness.

Being overweight is not only unhealthy but also people are more conscious and worried about such a body condition. According to Yogic practitioners, Yoga along with a healthy diet help to reduce body weight at a fast pace. Yoga helps to reduce your body weight, strengthens the muscles, improves metabolism, treats stress and anxiety, increases body flexibility, and improves cardiac health also.

According to studies, yoga is a promising practice to reduce body weight by burning calories.

Yoga Postures To Reduce Weight

Here are a variety of yoga postures that help you to reduce your weight positively. The following powerful yoga postures ensure a reduction in body weight in a healthy manner.

  • Kumbhakasana (Plank pose)

    Kumbhakasana is an essential posture of Surya Namaskar (Sun salutation). The posture is very effective in reducing belly fat, strengthening the core, and reducing the overall weight of the body. The abdominal muscles and core are used maximum into his posture; hence your body gets a good shape also. Kumbhakasana ensures deep focus and concentration power.

  • Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

    Trikonasana plays an important role in burning the fat deposits in your body due to its twisting motions. Trikonasana helps to make digestion very easy and fast. The asana helps to improve blood circulation in your body. The asana helps to build more muscles in the thighs and hamstrings and is also effective in improving concentration power.

  • Parivrtta Utkatasana (Twisted hair)

    Parivrtta Utkatasana helps to tone your abdominal muscles, hence helping to burn belly fat effectively. The pose helps to strengthen the thighs and ankles and tones your digestive system. Here the glutes, abs, and the quads are engaged.

  • Surya Namaskara (Sun Salutation)

    Surya Namaskar is an important yogic posture to reduce body weight. Surya Namaskar is usually done in the morning. Surya Namaskar is a powerful practice with infinite multiple health benefits. It improves blood circulation of all the organs of the body, reduces belly fat; hence body weight can be reduced, improves digestion, improves the functioning of the heart and lungs. Concentrating only on Surya Namaskara daily is a healthy practice to lose your body weight.

  • Dhanurasana (Bow pose)

    Dhanurasana is the best way to reduce the fat around the abdomen (belly fat). After pregnancy, belly fat is a common concern for mothers. This posture is a healthy solution for them. The posture helps to strengthen the thighs, chest, and back. Another important benefit of Dhanurasana is the posture massages the abdominal organs to improve digestion.

  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose)

    Regular practice of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana helps to reduce your belly fat and keeps the muscles stronger. The pose helps to stretch the neck, spine, and chest. The posture helps to tone the thyroid and glutes, helps to regulate the hormones as well. The posture improves digestion by stimulating abdominal organs.

  • Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward dog pose)

    Adhomukhasana is practiced by carrying your body weight in between your palms and feet. Adhomukhasana transfers your fat body into a beautifully shaped one. The asana helps to tone your upper body muscles, engage your thigh muscles and upper arms. This posture not only helps to reduce your weight, but also strengthens your thighs, back, and arms.

  • Virabhadrasana (Warrior pose)

    Virabhadrasana mainly concentrates on core body muscles. The asana helps to reduce your body weight and helps to flatten your abs. The posture offers more results when you hold this posture as long as you can. The asana helps to tone your tummy and a flat belly by contracting your abdominal muscles while practicing this posture. It helps to improve your body balance and concentration level.

  • Sarvangasana (Shoulder stand)

    The highest advantage of practicing Sarvangasana is it stimulates digestion and boosts metabolism level. The asana tones your whole body and reduces the fat deposits in the body. Sarvangasana improves your blood circulation and controls your blood sugar levels. The asana helps to strengthen your abdominal muscles, legs, and upper body.

Various yoga postures to reduce body weight are Surya Namaskara, Sarvangasana, Virabhadrasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Trikonasana, Dhanurasana, and Kumbhakasana. These all are powerful yoga asanas and play an important role in reducing body weight by burning calories. Try to hold the postures as long as you can by considering your health conditions.


The above-mentioned information was collected from various Yogic references. It is always advisable to start practicing yoga under the guidance of a yogic practitioner.

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