Are You Ready To Get Rid Of Common Cold And Flu Through Ayurveda

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Cold And Flu
Flu and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses but they are caused by different viruses. Because these two types of illnesses have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference between them based on symptoms alone. In general, flu is worse than the common cold, and symptoms are more intense.
Colds are usually milder than flu. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. Colds generally do not result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia, bacterial infections, or hospitalizations. Flu can have very serious associated complications.
According to Ayurveda, the common cold is referred to as Prathishyaya. Vitiation of Vata and Kapha individually or together is generally involved in the ailment. Cold is probably the most commonly encountered ailment in the human body and thereby, it becomes 'common cold'.
Influenza, commonly referred to as the flu, is an infectious disease caused by viruses. According to Ayurveda, Influenza results from an imbalance of the Kapha and Vata doshas A cold develops in the body when there’s an excess of Kapha’s cool, moist characteristics, causing a stuffy or runny nose and sneezing. And, excess Vata reduces the body’s digestive fire, so you get the chills.
The Ayurvedic treatment of Influenza consists of pacifying the aggravated body energies, expelling excess mucus, restoring peripheral circulation, strengthening digestion, and boosting immunity.
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Symptoms Of Flu
Flu is different from a cold. Flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have flu often feel all of these symptoms
- Fever or feeling feverish/chills.
- Cough.
- Sore throat.
- Runny or stuffy nose.
- Muscle or body aches.
- Headaches.
- Fatigue (tiredness).
Symptoms Of Cold
Cold symptoms usually start 2 or 3 days after a person has been exposed to the virus. People with colds are most contagious for the first 3 or 4 days after the symptoms begin and can be contagious for up to 3 weeks. Some of them are
- Sneezing.
- Runny nose.
- Cough.
- Sore throat.
- Headache.
- Nasal congestion.
- Fever (most common in children).
Both a cold and the flu share a few common symptoms. People with either illness often experience a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, fatigue or general tiredness, chills, body aches, low-grade fever, chest discomfort, and difficulty breathing deeply.
Causes Of Flu And The Common Cold
The flu is caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. These viruses spread when people with the flu cough, sneeze, or talk, sending droplets with the virus into the air and potentially into the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. You can also get the flu by touching a surface or object that has the flu virus on it and then touching your mouth, eyes, or nose.
Allergy to changes in weather or an infection by a virus is considered an important causative factor of the common cold. As a result, the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract get inflamed. This leads to symptoms like sneezing, running nose, headache, sore throat, body pain, etc. Different viruses can cause a cold; among them, Rhinoviruses are the most cause of the common cold.
The flu is caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs, whereas common cold is caused by Rhinoviruses.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Common Cold And Flu
According to Ayurveda, the holistic science of healing, the Kapha Doshas are responsible for regulating the respiratory and nasal systems and the functioning of the stomach whereas the Vata Doshas pertain to regulating the overall immunity of the body. Due to the varying levels of Ojas (immunity) in every individual, people having a poor balance of Ojas easily falls prey to the common cold virus. Some of the treatments are:
- Flush out Ama
One easy way to treat common cold infections is by consuming homemade immune-boosting drinks. These homemade drinks, also known as kadha in Ayurveda, are an aqueous extract of several herbs and whole spices that not only flush out the toxins from the body but also help in balancing the Kapha doshas. This inexpensive remedy strengthens the overall immune system and shields the body against infections.
- Stay Away From Kapha Aggravators
Since an imbalance in the Kapha doshas leads to a decrease in immunity, try avoiding certain foods that generate rheum particles and make the cold worse. Avoid consuming foods like yogurt, ice cream, banana, avocado, cheese, and anything that represents cold. Try consuming more vitamin C-rich food sources like oranges, lemons, grapefruit, papaya, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.
- Chew on Dry Ginger
Also known as Sunthi, dry ginger is famed as a natural expectorant due to the presence of bioactive constituents’ gingerols and shaogals. Owing to its strong anti-microbial and pain-relieving properties, it not only helps in relieving sore throat but also helps in treating infections in the nasal passage and clear out phlegm deposits.
- Nasya
This is an ayurvedic procedure that refers to the administration of an ayurvedic oil or liquid as a nasal drop through the nasal passage. This Nasya technique of dripping oil into the nostrils or just putting it in using your pinkie finger not only helps in clearing out the mucus deposits within the nostrils but also removes toxins from the body. Essential oils of neem, ginger, or eucalyptus can be used as a preferable choice for Nasya.
- Practice Pranayama Techniques
Pranayama and yoga asanas are an extremely effective way to get relief from nasal and chest congestion. These breathing exercises stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system and not only help in moving congestion but also increases blood circulation, and releases stress and tension.
Some of the ayurvedic treatments to get rid of cold and flu are Nasya, pranayama, yoga asanas, etc.
Preventive And Self-care Tips To Keep Distance From Cold And Cough
Always remember the quote “Prevention is better than cure”. So it is very important to follow the tips mentioned below:
- Wash your hands properly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to prevent the spread of cold viruses.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, and nose. .
- Sanitize your hands with alcohol-based hand gels after touching contaminated surfaces at the workplace like door-knobs, mouse, chair handles, etc.
- Keep a distance of 6 feet from people who are suffering from cold and cough.
- Wear a mask whenever you step outside the house or whenever you come in contact with people you don’t live with.
- Increase your water intake and have hot tea and liquids.
- Do steam inhalation by adding 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil in a bowl of hot water. Repeat 2-3 times a day to get relief from a stuffy nose. .
- Strengthen your immune system by taking a balanced diet rich in vitamin C food.
- Indulge in some form of exercise or yoga to keep yourself active.
Home Remedies For Cold And Flu
- Powder of black pepper half teaspoon (2.5 ml.) mixed with jaggery two times a day.
- Small piece of Ginger fried in ghee, to be taken two times a day.
- One teaspoonful of the powder or paste of turmeric to a cup of milk or fried turmeric powder is taken with 1-2 gm of ghee mixed with hot milk thrice a day. This gives immediate relief and helps in early recovery.
- Gargle with warm turmeric powder 2-3 times a day to relieve sore throat.
- Drink a glass of hot water mixed with the juice of two lemons and sugar to taste. Take the same at bedtime as it gives relief from the nasal block.
- Two to three teaspoons (10-15 ml.) of fresh juice of Amla or half to one teaspoon (2.5-5 gm) powder of the same is ideal to control cold.
- Inhale steam to relieve a stuffy nose. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of hot water. Cover your head and the bowl with a towel for a few minutes at a time. Be careful that the water is not so hot that the steam burns your face.
- Strengthen your immune system and keep yourself healthy. .
- Do not overheat the room. Let the body lose heat naturally.
- Keep away from others who are infected with cold and flu.
- Eat a well-balanced diet and get enough rest. Take plenty of hot beverages.
Herbal Remedies For Flu And Common Cold
According to Ayurveda, imbalance in any of the three doshas i.e., Vata, pitta, Kapha can cause an ailment. To tackle this, here are some Ayurvedic Herbal remedies to manage your cold and Flu.
- Tulsi
In Ayurveda, Tulsi is known as “Mother Medicine of Nature” and “The Queen of Herbs”. Tulsi leaves help to improve the individual’s ability to fight against the common cold as well as cough. Tulsi boosts the production of antibodies thereby preventing the onset of any infections. We can use tulsi in the form of Tulsi kadha and Tulsi tea.
- Mulethi
Mulethi or Licorice, also known as “Sweetwood”, is an effective Ayurvedic herb for cough. Mulethi powder is useful in managing sore throat, cough, and excessive production of mucus in the airway. Take 1 teaspoon Mulethi powder and add to 1 glass of warm water. Drink this twice a day.
- Pippali
Pippali is an effective herb in managing cough and cold. Studies state that it gives relief from headaches and congestion associated with the common cold. Pippali loosens mucus and helps to cough it out, thus allowing the patient to breathe freely. This is due to its expectorant property.
- Take a pinch of Pippali churna. Swallow it with 1 teaspoon honey. Repeat 1-2 times a day and continue till cold and cough subsides.
- Dry Ginger
Dry ginger popularly known as sonth or sukku is one of the main ingredients of herbal cough syrups. Sonth, when taken with honey, acts as a soothing remedy for cough and cold.Sonth contains certain molecules that have anti-inflammatory properties. .
- Cinnamon
This woody aromatic spice is loaded with many health benefits and one of them is relief from cold and flu. It not only gives relief from the common cold but is also great for a sore throat. Cinnamon is known to have antiviral properties. This helps fight against the virus causing the common cold. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help give relief from a sore throat. .
- Giloy
Giloy, also known as Amrita has heart-shaped leaves that resemble betel leaves. It helps manage cold and cough caused due to allergic reactions to pollution, smoke, or pollen. It also helps to manage cold and tonsillitis. It is also the most effective herb to boost immunity. Giloy has good anti-inflammatory properties. This helps reduce frequent cough as well as a sore throat.
Some of the ayurvedic herbs that help us to get immunity power and to protect us against cold and flu viruses are tulsi, dry ginger, cinnamon,mulethi,giloy, Pippali, etc
The information related to the Common cold and Flu is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always seek the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any Ayurvedic remedies, herbs, and procedures for the treatment of the Common cold and Flu.