Ayurvedic Treatment Of Myasthenia Gravis

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Myasthenia Gravis
Ayurveda is the science of life that aids in whole-body healing. Ayurveda brings harmony between mind, body, and soul. Ayurvedic treatment methods to cure a disease are herbal formulations, oil massages, diet and lifestyle recommendations, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda recommends the way to prevent the development of various diseases naturally.
Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular disease. Myasthenia gravis is characterized by skeletal muscular weakening. In this case, the immune system targets the body itself. Myasthenia gravis is a condition that causes weakening in the body's voluntary muscles in variable degrees. When the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles is disrupted, the illness develops.
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Symptoms Of Myasthenia Gravis
Common symptoms of Myasthenia gravis are:
- Weakness of the eye muscles. .
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Facial expression disorders.
- Weakness of arms, fingers, legs, and neck.
- Shortness of breath.
- Dropping of eyelids.
- Impaired speech. .
Weakness of eye muscles, difficulty in swallowing, facial expression disorders, weakness of arms, fingers, legs, and neck, shortness of breath, dropping of eyelids, impaired speech, etc are the general symptoms of Myasthenia gravis.
Causes Of Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis is caused by a malfunction in the transmission of neurochemical impulses between the nerve and muscle at the neuromuscular junction. Antibodies are responsible for destroying or blocking acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine keeps muscles from contracting.
Another explanation for the onset of Myasthenia gravis is that it is an autoimmune illness, which means that the immune system mistakenly targets itself.
According to Ayurveda, Myasthenia gravis develops due to the imbalance of Vata dosha. Vitiation of Vata doshas lowers the neuromuscular activity.
Herbal Remedies To Control Myasthenia Disorders
Herbs are rich in medicinal properties that are widely used in Ayurveda to treat most diseases. Myasthenia gravis can also be managed with herbal remedies.
- Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is the queen of herbs. The herb is rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help manage various body ailments. Ashwagandha is a powerful immune booster and helps to expel body toxins naturally. The herb pacifies aggravated Vata and Pitta dosha and improves mental and physical capabilities. Ashwagandha is rich in nutrients and improves muscle strength, preventing muscle fatigue as well.
- Guggul
Guggul plays an important role in improving the strength and immunity of the person. Guggul is very effective in pacifying aggravated Vata dosha hence various body ailments such as pain in the bones and joints. The rejuvenating and immune-modulatory properties of guggul help in tissue regeneration.
- Brahmi
Brahmi has multiple health benefits such as improving memory and concentration, boosting immunity and strength, and balancing Vata and Kapha doshas. Brahmi is beneficial in treating myasthenia gravis because it aids in the coordination of the nervous system and daily activities.
Ashwagandha, guggul, and Brahmi are certain powerful herbs that help reduce Myasthenia gravis symptoms.
Ahar And Vihar (Diet And Lifestyle) Recommendations
Ayurveda suggests a healthy diet and lifestyle practices that help to prevent the development of various diseases.
- Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- Include more water in your daily routine.
- Practice a half an hour exercise minimum per day to stay active and keep you healthy.
- Practice yoga and meditation to keep your mind relaxed and free from stress and anxiety.
- Avoid junk and processed foods.
- Avoid extra exposure to heat or stress as both leads to worsening of symptoms.
A healthy diet and lifestyle can enhance your health and help you avoid disease symptoms.
Ayurvedic Treatments To Control Myasthenia Gravis
Ayurveda aims to treat diseases naturally. Ayurvedic management of Myasthenia gravis is Kashayadhara, Snehapanam, Ksheeradhara, Basti karma, Rasayana treatments.
- Kashaya Dhara
The word “Kashayam'' means decoction, and “dhara” means continuous pouring. Kashaya Dhara is the process of pouring herbal decoction continuously. The herbal decoction is selected depending on the health and body type of the person. Joint pain, inflammation, muscle pain, neurological diseases, etc can be treated with Kashayadhara. .
- Snehapanam
Snehapana is the process of ingesting ghee derived from cow milk for internal purification before receiving Panchakarma treatment. Snehapanam is primarily used to treat arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, and other ailments. In Ayurveda, Snehapanam is also known as pre-purification therapy.
- Ksheeradhara
Ksheeradhara is the continuous pouring of flow herbal milk over the head and body. Ksheeradhara provides a cooling effect on the body and acts as a moisturizer that helps relieve any stress, anxiety, and tension. Various herbal extracts included in this milk helps to reduce Myasthenia gravis symptoms.
- Basti karma
Basti karma is mainly used in Ayurveda to expel body toxins. Basti karma is the procedure of administering herbal decoction through the anal route. .
- Abhyanga
Oil massages, also known as abhyanga, are an integral aspect of most Ayurvedic treatments. Herbal massages can effectively treat different ailments such as arthritis, gout, joint problems, muscular discomfort, etc. The massage oil has a lot of potent herbs in it that have a lot of therapeutic properties.
Myasthenic gravis can be effectively managed in Ayurveda through abhyanga, Basti karma, ksheera dhara, Sneha Panam, and kashaya dhara.
All the information related to Myasthenic gravid was obtained from various Ayurvedic resources. Kindly consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.