10. Talasana (palm Tree Pose)

10 Yoga Poses To Relieve Back Pain Everyone Should Know photo

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This asana is popular for upward stretching of the spine. Talasana improves the overall health of the body.

  • Stand straight.
  • Keep feet apart and slightly turned towards outwards according to our comfort level.
  • Interlock fingers and turn your palm away.
  • Raise the arms overhead with palms facing each other while inhaling deeply.
  • Fix eyes at a point slightly above the level of the head. Raise heels slowly, maintaining balance, and stand on the toes.
  • Exhale slowly and ensure that the body is in proper balance. .
  • Inhale and stretch the hands upwards, lifting the sternum and opening the chest. Raise the heels coming up on the toes.
  • Try to maintain the balance. Stay in the posture for about 30 seconds breathing normally.

Different yoga postures can relieve back pain very effectively are Talasana, Balasana, Shalabhasana, Supta Kapotasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Marjarasana, Dhanurasana, Makarasana and Bhujangasana.

Yoga is an ancient Indian art that can be used to get relief from various diseases, especially a fine remedy to cure Back pain.