Different Types Of Mudra Therapy And How To Practice It Right Way

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According to Ayurveda, everything in the Universe is made up of five natural elements like Agni (fire), Vayu (air), Jal (water), Akasa (space), and Prithvi (earth). Tridoshas are another basic life principle that governs our body functions. Vata, Pitta, and Kapha are the Tridoshas that are strongly associated with five natural elements. Vata is associated with Vayu and Akasa, Pitta is associated with Jal and Agni, and Kapha is associated with Prithvi and Jal.
Mudra is a hand gesture practised with hands and fingers that facilitates energy flow to specific areas of the brain. According to Ayurveda, Mudra therapy is very important to improve the overall health and energy of the body. Various diseases can be cured with the regular practice of Mudras. Certain positions in our hands can influence the energy of the physical, emotional, and spiritual body.
Five fingerprints represent five elements. The thumb finger represents the Agni element, the forefinger represents the Vayu element, the middle finger represents the Akasa, the ring finger represents the Prithvi and the ring finger represents the Jal element.
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Types Of Mudras And Way Of Practice
Mudras can be generally classified into approximately 399 categories. They can be practised based on our specific needs.
Studies have proven that Mudras can overcome both physical and mental disorders through regular practice.
Normally 15 to 30 minutes are advisable to practice mudras. Before practising any type of Mudras, always sit in a comfortable position and a relaxed mood. However, the most important among them are:
- Gyan Mudra (Mudra of Knowledge)
Gyan mudra can be practised anytime during the day. Gyan mudra is very effective in improving memory, concentration, lessens stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. The mudra can stimulate air elements in the body.
How to practice - The way to practice Gyan mudra is you need to touch the index finger with your thumb and let the other three fingers straight. - Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth)
Prithvi mudra can offer infinite health benefits like increases in blood circulation, diminishes stress and anxiety, improves digestive system, helps in weight gain, and strengthens the bones. Prithvi mudra can magically improve self-esteem and confidence level. According to Ayurveda, the Prithvi element is associated with skin, cartilage, bones, tendons, muscles, etc.
How to practice - The way to practice Prithvi mudra is first to sit down in a lotus pose, touch the tip of the ring finger gently with the thumb and keep the other three fingers stretched out. - Vayu Mudra (Mudra of Air)
Vayu mudra can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Vayu mudra is associated with the air element in nature. The major health benefit of practicing Vayu Mudra is it can lessen Vata disorders. Various diseases can be effectively cured with the regular practice of Vayu Mudra like constipation, gout, arthritis, knee pain, cervical spondylitis, neck pain, etc.
How to practice - The way to practice Vayu mudra is to bend your index finger and press the second phalanx bone with the tip of the thumb with your thumb and keep the other three fingers straight. - Prana Mudra (Mudra of Life)
Prana mudra is associated with the energy of our life. Regular practice of Prana mudra can improve the overall health of the body. Whenever you feel tired, or need more energy, practice Prana Mudra. Prana mudra is very effective in improving eyesight, improves immunity power of the body, and prevents tiredness and vitamin deficiencies.
How to practice - The way to practice Prana Mudra is to place the ring finger and little finger at the tip of the thumb gently and keep the other two fingers stretched. Also, breathe in and exhale for a while. . - Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness)
Shunya mudra is associated with heaven or emptiness. The mudra can overcome diseases due to the imbalance of Akasa dosha. Shunya mudra is mainly used for spiritual awakening. The space element of the body can be reduced through the practice of Shunya Mudra. Regular practice of Shunya mudra can prevent eye and ear problems, throat problems, heart diseases and improves muscle strength also. Mental stress can also be erased with the practice of this mudra.
How to practice - The way to practice Shunya mudra is to fold your middle finger and press it with your thumb and keep the rest of the fingers extended as much as possible. Shunya mudra can be practiced for 35 minutes daily to ensure better health benefits. . - Surya Mudra (Mudra of Sun)
Surya mudra is very powerful and increases the fire element in the human body. Maintaining body temperature is the highlight of Surya Mudra. Other health benefits are improving body energy and metabolism lowers cholesterol levels, controls thyroid diseases and prevents body swelling and indigestion. Surya mudra can be advisable to practice only on an empty stomach.
How to practice - The way to practice Surya Mudra is to fold your ring finger and press it with your thumb and keep the other fingers straight. You can practice Surya mudra for 20 minutes daily for better results. . - Varuna Mudra (Mudra of Water)
Varuna mudra is associated with the water element in the body. Many skin diseases can be cured through the regular practice of Varuna mudra. Diseases that arise due to dryness can be prevented with this hand gesture. Varuna mudra is very effective in treating diseases like dehydration, eczema, psoriasis, indigestion, constipation, anaemia, etc.
How to practice - The way to practice Varuna Mudra is to touch the tip of the thumb with the little finger and keep the other fingers stretched out. Varuna Mudra can be practised any time of the day. . - Apana Mudra (Mudra of Digestion)
Apana mudra is practised for the free flow of Apana Vata. Apana mudra is known as a purification gesture also. Ama (toxins) is accumulated in our body in many ways. Apana Mudra helps to cleanse out toxins from our body. The health benefits of Apana mudra are relief from diseases like diabetes, kidney stones, constipation, indigestion, urinary problems, back pain, etc. Also, this mudra can strengthen our immune system and pelvic organs.
How to practice - The way to practice Apana mudra is to bend the ring and middle fingers and touch the tip of the thumb while keeping the other two fingers straight. Both hands can be used to practice Apana mudra. - Linga Mudra (Mudra of Heat)
Linga mudra is associated with the fire element in the body. Linga mudra can provide relief from respiratory problems like cold, cough, asthma and sinus. The other health benefits of regular practice of Linga is to increase heat inside the body, strengthen our immune system, prevent obesity, etc. Linga mudra can be practiced at any time of the day.
How to practice - The way to practice Linga mudra is to clasp both hands and interlock the fingers by keeping the right thumb erect. Linga mudra can be done with both hands simultaneously, advisable to do 30 minutes in a day for better results.
According to Ayurveda, Mudra therapy is very effective in treating various diseases and ensures several health benefits. Mudra therapy consists of hand gestures for the better health of the body. Mudras can be classified mainly into nine and are Vayu Mudra, Prithvi Mudra, Apana Mudra, Prana Mudra, Linga Mudra, Varuna Mudra, Surya Mudra, Shunya Mudra, and Gyan Mudra. Each mudra has separate health benefits. The practice of mudras can be based on our specific needs. Regular practice of mudras can restore the imbalance of five natural elements.
All the information associated with Mudra therapy was collected from various Ayurvedic and Yogic resources. Always seek the opinion of your doctor if you are under treatment for any kind of disease.