Foods To Avoid For A Good Health By Ayurveda

Foods To Avoid For A Good Health By Ayurveda photo

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According to Ayurvedic concepts, food is responsible for different aspects of an individual including physical, temperamental, and mental states.

To stay healthy, maintaining a stable healthy diet routinely is essential.

Here are some of the foods you should limit or avoid based on your dosha

Foods To Avoid For Vata Dosha

Food that must be avoided for a person suffering from Vata type doshas are

  • Proteins

    red meat.

  • Fruits

    dried, unripe, or light fruits, such as raisins, cranberries, pomegranates, and pears.

  • Vegetables

    any raw vegetables, as well as cooked broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, mushrooms, potatoes, and tomatoes.

  • Legumes

    beans, such as black beans, kidney beans, and navy beans.

  • Grains

    buckwheat, barley, rye, wheat, corn, quinoa, millet.

  • Herbs and spices

    bitter or astringent herbs like parsley, thyme, and coriander seed.

Foods To Avoid For Pitta Dosha

Some of the foods that are harmful to pitta type dosha are

  • Proteins

    red meat, seafood, egg yolks.

  • Dairy

    sour cream, cheese, buttermilk.

  • Fruits

    sour or unripe fruits, such as grapes, apricots, papaya, grapefruit, and sour cherries.

  • Vegetables

    chili peppers, beets, tomatoes, onions, eggplant.

  • Grains

    brown rice, millet, corn, rye.

  • Nuts and seeds

    almonds, cashews, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts, sesame seeds.

Foods To Avoid For Kapha Dosha

Foods that must be avoided for Kapha type dosha are:

  • Proteins

    red meat, egg yolks.

  • Fruits

    bananas, coconuts, mangoes, fresh figs.

  • Vegetables

    sweet potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers.

  • Legumes

    soybeans, kidney beans, miso.

  • Grains

    rice, wheat, cooked cereal.


The information related to Food Pattern as per Ayurveda is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always seek the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting any diet for the betterment of your health.

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