Herbal Remedies For Dehydration

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Dehydration is a condition that happens when the body loses more water than it takes in. It leads to variations in the levels of salt and sugar present in the blood, which affects normal body functions. The severity of dehydration depends on several factors, such as climate, level of physical activity, and diet. For most people, drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated and rehydrate.
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Different Types Of Dehydration
There are three main types of dehydration. They are as follow:
- Hypotonic (primarily a loss of electrolytes)
Hypotonic dehydration is the loss of water associated with a decrease in effective osmolality of body fluids. .
- Hypertonic (primarily loss of water)
Hypertonic dehydration occurs when water losses exceed sodium losses. Excess pure water loss occurs through the skin, lungs, and kidneys.
- Isotonic Dehydration (equal loss of water and electrolytes)
Isotonic dehydration is loss of water with a preserved normal effective osmolality of body fluids.
Different types of dehydration are hypotonic, hypertonic, and Isotonic dehydration.
Symptoms Of Dehydration
The symptoms of dehydration vary from one person to another. The following symptoms are the result of dehydration:
- Dry mouth.
- Lethargy.
- Headache.
- Dizziness.
- Muscle weakness.
- Fatigue.
- Thirst.
- Decrease in urine production.
- Premature aging.
- Digestive disorders.
- Dry mouth.
- Cramps.
- Inflammation.
Causes Of Dehydration
Common causes of dehydration are:
- Diarrhea.
- Vomiting.
- Excess sweating.
- Diabetes.
- Frequent urination.
- Burns.
- Fever.
- Loss of more fluid.
- Rigorous activities such as running, gym workouts, and games.
- Exposure to sunlight for a long duration.
Ayurvedic Remedies For Dehydration
Some of the Ayurvedic measures that are helpful to cure dehydration are:
- Fennel seeds
Fennel seeds are very beneficial to dehydrated people. Diarrhea is also one of the symptoms of dehydration. In this case, the cold effects of fennel seeds aid in eliminating the bacteria that cause diarrhea. As a result, it prevents dehydration problems.
For treating dehydration, boil half a teaspoon of fennel in one liter of water and make fennel water. After cooling it, drink a cup three to four times a day. - Basil
Basil or Tulsi has a lot of medicinal properties. So it is considered an effective remedy for dehydration. Basil leaves play an important role in relieving stomach pain caused by dehydration. It helps in keeping the body temperature cool when dehydration occurs.
To cure Dehydration, mix two drops of basil extract in a cup of plain water and consume it twice a day. - Hibiscus flower
As per Ayurveda Hibiscus tea wipes out many diseases. This flower contains vitamin C and it is very beneficial to consume it when there is a lack of water in the body. Thus it reduces the signs of dehydration.
The usage instruction is to take one-fourth cup of water, add one-fourth cup of jaggery leaves and some rose leaves, and boil it to make tea. Mix one teaspoon of aloe vera juice in one cup of this tea and consume it twice daily. - Drink lemonade
Lemonade is the best medicine to treat dehydration. It is better if you drink honey mixed with lemonade that will give great relief to you.
- Buttermilk
Another Ayurvedic remedy to remove dehydration is buttermilk. Drink a glass of buttermilk before leaving the house during summer. That will not cause dehydration.
- Sugarcane Juice
Sugar cane contains nutrients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese. If you have dehydration these nutrients will be lost in the body. But the consumption of sugarcane juices helps to regain these nutrients in the body.
For treating dehydration, add an equal quantity of water to a cup of sugarcane juice, dilute the juice and consume it two to three times a day. - Drink plenty of liquid
The best remedy to dehydration is drinking plenty of water. Drink a lot of water if you are not thirsty. Also consume juice prepared from fresh fruits, coconut water, vine syrup, drinking lemonade, etc to erase dehydration.
- Yogurt
Yogurt is very important if you are dehydrated. Eating yogurt helps to overcome the Dehydration symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. It is an easily digested liquid.
- Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables
Eat fruits such as watermelon, melon, cucumber, cucumber, grapes, oranges, papaya these days. Eating vegetables like zucchini, tomatoes, etc will be beneficial.
- Banana
If you have dehydrated, the amount of potassium in the body becomes very low. Bananas contain more potassium. So eating two bananas helps to prevent dehydration. .
- Drink coconut water
Drinking a glass of coconut water removes the lack of water in the body. It also reduces the number of calories, so it is very beneficial.
The effective Ayurvedic remedies that are beneficial for the treatment of dehydration are fennel seeds, basil, lemonade, coconut water, banana, seasonal fruits and vegetables, yogurt, sugarcane juice, buttermilk, hibiscus flower, sugarcane juice, etc.
Home Remedies For Dehydration
Some of the important home remedies that help to avoid dehydration are:
- Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.
- Eat lemonade, coconut water, or other nutritious beverages.
- Eat fruits like banana, watermelon, melon, cucumber, papaya, orange, etc because these fruits have high water content daily. Avoid chopped fruits as it increases the risk of infection.
- During the summer, it is better to take at least one bowl of curd or buttermilk daily. The presence of good bacteria in curd helps in keeping the body healthy. So there is no lack of water in the body due to the consumption of curd.
- During exercise or gym, a large amount of sweat is released from the body due to which there is a lack of electrolytes in the body. So to avoid dehydration eat fresh fruit juice after exercise.
- One of the most effective home remedies is to prepare an ORS solution at home and drink it three to four times a day. Thus you will get great relief from dehydration.
Ayurvedic Herbs For Dehydration
Ayurveda uses a lot of herbs for dehydration problems that can help to lower the symptoms of dehydration. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)
Chamomile is a magical herb that acts as a good remedy for dehydration problems. It helps to restore the skin conditions better. It is an excellent choice for replacing the fluids lost due to dehydration.
- Elderflower (Sambucus nigra)
This herb helps to regulate the body temperature of a person to keep his or her fluid levels in a perfect state. It is the best Ayurvedic herb for treating symptoms of dehydration.
- Asparagus (Asparagus Officinalis)
Asparagus has the power to stimulate the absorptions of water in our body. It also helps to cool down the body temperature and thus increases the quality of life.
- Willow Bark (Salix)
Ayurveda suggests Salix as a remedy to treat dehydration problems because it has cooling and other medicinal properties. Thus it cures the symptoms of dehydration naturally.
- Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
Yarrow is commonly used for diarrhea, gas, asthma, colds, runny nose, arthritis, wounds, skin healing, liver disorders, and many other conditions. It also helps to cure symptoms caused by dehydration problems. .
- Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice has the power to cool the body temperature. It also helps to retrieve the skin conditions of dehydrated people.
The effective Ayurvedic herbs that are used for the treatment of dehydration are Chamomile, Elderflower, Asparagus, Willow Bark, Yarrow, Licorice, etc.
All the information related to Dehydration is based on different Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before self-medication. Chamomile, Elderflower, Asparagus, Willow Bark, Yarrow, Licorice, Dehydration, Ayurveda, Kapha, Pitta, Vatta, Doshas, Tridoshas, Panchakarma, Abhyangam, Shirodhara, Kashaya Dhara, Greeva Basti, Janu Basti, Kati Basti, Spine Basti, Kizhi, Mukha Lepam, Netra Tharpanam, Padabhyanga, Pizhichil, Shringara, Soundarya, Thalapothichil, Ubtan, Udwarthanam, Yoga, Pranayama, Panchakarma.