Medicinal Properties And Health Benefits Of Indian Sarsaparilla/ Anantamoola/Sariva/ Nannaari/ Naruneendi

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Anantamoola is a medicinal plant mainly found in South Asia and comes in the category of prostrate plants. Hemidesmus indicus is the scientific name of Anantamoola. The dried root of the plant is widely used in Ayurveda to treat various health conditions like anorexia, gastritis, oligospermia, and burning sensation. The root is aromatic and woody. Anantamoola can be used in the form of powder and syrup. Nannaari sharbat is another healthy drink made from Anantamoola.
Shveta Sariva and Krishna Sariva are the two categories of Anantamoola. Both have similar actions in treating diseases. According to Ayurveda, Anantamoola is very effective in treating Vata disorders.
The leaves of the plant are rich in properties like:
- Flavonoids.
- Rutin.
- Tannins.
- Hyperoside.
- Coumarin.
The root of the plant contains properties like:
- Alpha amyrin.
- Beta amyrin.
- Lupeol.
- Hexatriacontane.
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Medicinal Properties Of Anantamoola
Anantamoola is rich in medicinal properties like:
- Anabolic.
- Anti-arthritic.
- Anti-toxic.
- Anti-diabetic.
- Anti-bacterial.
- Antilithic.
- Diuretic.
- Coolant.
- Anti-ulcer. .
- Antimicrobial.
- Antidiarrheal.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Hepatoprotective.
- Wound healing.
Anantamoola contains diuretic, anabolic, anti-arthritic, antibacterial, anti-toxic, anti-bacterial, coolant, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, wound healing, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, anti-ulcer, and antilithic properties.
Ayurvedic Properties Of Anantamoola
Anantamoola is very effective in balancing Tridoshas.
- Rasa (taste)
Madhura(sweet) and titka (bitter).
- Guna (qualities)
Guru (heavy) and Snigdha (oily).
- Virya (potency)
Sheeta (cold).
- Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion)
Madhura (sweet).
Ayurvedic properties of Anantamoola are rasa, guna, virya, and vipaka.
Health Benefits Of Anantamoola
Anantamoola has been widely used in Ayurveda to treat various diseases. Anantamoola can be administered in the form of powder, infusion, or decoction as syrup. Anatamoola can be administered both internally and externally depending on the nature of the disease.
- Anantamoola is very effective in alleviating burning sensations while urinating and helps in cooling the urinary tract. Anantamoola is rich in coolant properties. .
- The antitoxic property of Anantamoola helps to clean and purify breast milk.
- The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of Anantamoola helps to treat various skin diseases like ringworm, eczema, and psoriasis and prevent bacterias or other viruses from entering our bodies. Also, Anantamoola powder contains blood purifying properties that help to expel toxins from our blood. .
- The antidiarrheal properties of Anantamoola help to treat diarrhea and dysentery due to its Grahi( absorption of liquid) property. .
- Anantamoola is rich in anti-diabetic properties and a fine remedy to treat diabetes. Anantamoola helps to manage blood sugar levels and protects the insulin-producing cells and liver cells against the damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant property. .
- Anantamoola is a fine medicine if you are looking to reduce your body weight. Anantamoola can improve the metabolism of the body and help in easy digestion.
- Anantamoola is very effective in treating arthritic symptoms. Anantamoola is rich in Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) properties that help to expel toxins that remain due to indigestion from the body.
- Anantamoola treats Kidney diseases due to its Sodhan(purification) process. The coolant property of Anantamoola helps to cool our body also.
- Anantamoola helps in treating Anorexia by expelling toxins from our body and by improving our metabolism. .
- Anantamoola treats headaches due to its coolant and healing properties. Anantamoola paste can be applied to the affected area for fast relief from headaches. .
- Anantamoola treats pains and inflammations associated with piles due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.
The rich medicinal property of Anantamoola helps to treat various diseases like skin disorders, diabetes, indigestion, piles, arthritis, anorexia, diarrhea, urinary infections, and helps in purifying breastmilk.
Dosage Of Anantamoola
- Anantamoola syrup can be taken in 3-4 teaspoons twice a day.
- Anantamoola churna can be taken 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon twice a day.
Side-effects Of Anantamoola
No adverse side effects were reported so far with the use of Anantamoola. However, the overdosages may cause the following symptoms:
- Stomach upset.
- Asthma.
- Runny nose.
Diabetic patients should take the advice of their doctor because the formula contains jaggery.
Anantamoola is a medicinal plant and the dried root of the plant is used in Ayurveda to prepare Ayurvedic formulations. Anantamoola can be used in the form of powder, liquid, and decoction. The plant is rich in medicinal properties.
The content is prepared based on ancient Ayurvedic references. Always consult your Ayurvedic doctor before starting any herbs or herbal formulas.
- Charaka Samhita. .