The Importance Of Rasayana And Its Classification In Ayurveda

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Rasayana is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation therapy that helps in the maintenance and promotion of health. The Ayurvedic system of medicine describes the concept called Rasayana which is composed of two words Rasa and Aayan. Rasa is the Dhatu and Aayan means the path through which one can get the delaying aging process, maintenance of youth, improvement of mental health, and also removal of diseased conditions caused due to infectious organisms and also mental or physical stress.
Rasayan therapy works as an immunomodulator for the prevention of various communicable diseases. Rasayana is a specialized treatment infusing the fundamental aspect of the organs i.e. Dhatus, Agni, and Srotamsi, leading to the overall improvement in the organism, which affords prevention of aging, resistance against diseases, bodily strength, and improvement in mental faculties. Ayurveda conceives a unique concept of Ojas, which is the essence of all dhatus and responsible for vital strength of the body and resistance against diseases i.e. immunity.
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Classification Of Rasayana
There are various classifications for Rasayana therapy. Some of them are as follows: Depending on the scope of use it is classified into Naimittika rasayana, Ajasrika rasayana, and Kamya rasayana.
- Naimittika Rasayana
It is given to combat or balance a specific cause, which is causing a disease in the body. Some examples of this rasayana are Dhatri rasayana, Mandukaparni rasayana, Brahmi rasayana, and Triphala rasayana.
- Ajasrika Rasayana
It is used to maintain good health and improve the quality of life through a healthy lifestyle, diet, or exercise. It includes the use of milk, ghee, honey and adopting the principles of proper sleep and celibacy.
- Kamya Rasayana
Kamya Rasayana is used to fulfill a wish or desire or to serve a special purpose (Kama - desire). It is also used to promote general physical & mental health.
It is of three types:
a. Prana Kamya Rasayana - It is used for achieving or maintaining the best quality of Prana (life energy) in the body.
b. Medha Kamya Rasayana - It is used for enhancing memory and intellect.
c. Srikamya Rasayana - Promoter of complexion Naimittika Rasayana - Naimittika Rasayana is given to combat or balance a specific cause, which is causing a disease in the body.
Some examples of this Rasayana are Dhatri Rasayana, Mandukaparni Rasayana, Brahmi Rasayana and Triphala Rasayana.
As per method of use
- Kuti-Praveshika Rasayana
This can be administered by keeping the individual inside a cottage. It is also called indoor therapy.
- Vatatapika Rasayana
This can be administered even if the individual is exposed to the wind and the sun. It is also called Open-air therapy or outdoor therapy.
As per contents of Rasayana
- Aushadha Rasayana - Based on drugs and herbs .
- Ahara Rasayana - Based on diet and nutrition .
- Achara Rasayana - Based on conduct and behavior .
Following a sattvic diet and lifestyle, speaking the truth, practicing non-violence, living in harmony with nature, following social ethics and conducts, are all included under this category of Rasayana. Following these principles leads to the formation of high-quality Dhatus (tissues) and increases the quantity and quality of Ojus, a vital factor for health and immunity.
Benefits Of Rasayana Therapy
According to Acharya Charak, a person undergoing Rasayana therapy attains the following benefits:
- It enhances intelligence, memory power, willpower, body strength, skin luster, the sweetness of voice, and physical strength. .
- It nourishes the blood, lymph, flesh, adipose tissue, and semen and thus prevents chronic degenerative changes and illness.
- It gives freedom from chronic degenerative disorders like Arthritis and senile diseases.
- Rasayana is thought to improve metabolic processes, which results in the best possible biotransformation and produces the best-quality bodily tissues, and eradicates senility and other diseases of old age. .
- Helps to attain optimal physical strength and sharpness of sense organs. ·.
- Rasayana has marked action on reproductive organs and also nourishes Shukra Dhatu.
- Rasayana nourishes the whole body and improves natural resistance against infection by increasing Immunity power. .
- Rasayana invigorates the body in general by sustaining the required balance between anabolism and catabolism. .
- Rasayana Therapy regulates the circulation of vital fluid and eliminates waste materials, rejuvenates the nervous system, and keeps vigor and stamina. .
- Prevents wasting of muscles, delays the aging process, keeps strong bones, tendons, etc. .
- Prevents osteoporosis, improves whole-body circulation, prevents graying of hair, and provides good sleep and appetite. .
- Rasayana Therapy keeps the body and mind pleasant.
Rasayana Herbs
Some of the herbs used in Rasayana are:
- Amalaki Rasayana
It is obtained from the fruits of Phyllanthus Emblica (Ayurvedic name:Amala) is an Indian traditional Ayurvedic drug used as a rejuvenating medicine in aging conditions.
- Ashwagandha
The roots of ashwagandha have long been used as Rasayana drugs in Ayurvedic medicine to prevent or treat disease through the restoration of a healthy balance of life. Ashwagandha is used in Ayurvedic medicine as general restorative medicine, and to improve general health, longevity, and prevent disease.
- Brahmi
This herbal recipe has been prescribed by Lord Brahma. It rejuvenates the body and fights against tiredness, fatigue, early grey hairs, wrinkling (Skin rejuvenation and hair rejuvenation). It is the best anti-aging formula. It also improves intelligence, memory, and immune power. It is a good natural rejuvenating anti-aging formula. It helps to fight tiredness, fatigue, stress, and aging.
- Guduchi (Giloy)
The heart-shaped leaves from the plant have excellent antioxidant and rejuvenating properties. It contains essential nutrients and minerals like zinc and copper, these herbs are extremely beneficial for treating a host of neural disorders. Being a natural antidepressant, it not only improves verbal and logical abilities but also relieves one from stress and anxiety. It also enhances one’s mental and emotional well-being.
- Shankhpushpi
Shankhpushpi is quoted in the Charaka to be the single greatest herb for enhancing all three aspects of the mind -- learning (Dhi), memory (Driti), and recall (Smriti). Thus it is called the greatest Medhya Rasayana (that which enhances the mind). Shankhpushpi is effective as an antioxidant. It is said to be useful in strengthening the heart and blood vessels. It supports memory, brain function and can help support, concentration, and learning difficulties, fatigue, and stress.
- Yashtimadhu (Licorice)
Also known as Mulethi, the root of the plant has strong antioxidant properties and acts as a brain tonic. Being a potent stress-busting and memory-enhancing herb, it not only improves circulation in the brain but also normalizes several Pitta aggravating disorders.
The commonly used Rasayana drugs are Amalaki, Aswagandha, Brahmi, Shankhapushpi, Guduchi, and Yastimadhu, etc., which promote physical and mental strength.
The information related to Rasayana Therapy is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always seek the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner before starting Rasayana for overall health benefits.
- Charaka Samhita .
- Shusruta Samhita.