Effective Ways To Cure Sinusitis Through Ayurveda

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Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the sinus tissue. Sinuses are hollow spaces within the bones between the eyes, behind the cheekbones, and in the forehead. They produce mucus, which helps to keep the inside of your nose moist which protects against dust, allergens, and pollutants. Then it displays sinusitis symptoms such as a congested nose or colored discharge, headache, facial pain, and swelling around the sinuses.
In Ayurveda, this condition is known as Dushta Pratishyaya, and the dosha affected is Kapha. It aggravates and vitiates the Prana Vata, a subtype of Vata found primarily in the respiratory tract. To eliminate these doshas, Ayurveda recommends treatments that include a combination of detoxification processes through Panchakarma, oral medicines, dietary and lifestyle changes. Shirodhara, along with other therapies such as Nasyam, Lepanam, Thailam, and Vamanam, is very effective in relieving painful inflammation.
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Types Of Sinusitis
Depending upon the symptoms and severity of the condition Sinusitis can be classified into four. They are as follow:
- Acute sinusitis
In Ayurveda, acute sinusitis occurs due to aggravated Kapha and Vata in the region above the clavicle (collar bone). It is a sudden onset of symptoms such as the runny, stuffy nose and facial pain that does not go away after 10 to 14 days.
- Sub-acute sinusitis
It is a type of sinusitis in which an inflammation lasting 4 to 8 weeks. This condition commonly occurs with bacterial infections or seasonal allergies.
- Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis is caused by infections, sinus growths (nasal polyps), or swelling of the sinus lining. In this case, sinus inflammation symptoms last 8-weeks or more.
- Recurrent sinusitis
Recurrent sinusitis is defined as four or more episodes of sinusitis symptoms per year with no symptoms in between. i.e., multiple attacks within a year.
Different types of sinusitis mentioned in Ayurveda are Acute Sinusitis, Subacute Sinusitis, Chronic Sinusitis, and Recurrent Sinusitis.
Symptoms Of Sinusitis
The symptoms of Sinusitis include:
- Difficulty in breathing due to blockage of one or both nostrils.
- Headache-mild to intense or heaviness at the front of the head.
- Radiating pain in the ears, upper jaw, and teeth.
- Feverish.
- Swelling around eyes and cheeks.
- Bad breath.
- Ear blockages.
- Cough.
- Thick mucus discharge.
- Loss of the senses of smell and taste.
- Feeling of pressure inside the face.
- Facial pain, particularly when leaning forward.
- Congestion.
Causes Of Sinusitis
The common causes of sinusitis are:
- Impaired Kapha accumulates in the sinuses and blocks the flow of Vata.
- Impaired pitta (fire) causes swelling and irritation of the tissues of the sinuses.
- Repeated respiratory infections.
- Staying awake till late in the night and sleeping in the daytime.
- Exposure to cold or dusty and dry weather.
- Infections in the mouth such as tooth decay.
- Deviated nasal septum. (a shift in the nasal cavity).
- Nasal polyps. ( Small growths in the lining of the nose).
- Dust or pollen allergies.
- Impaired immune system.
- Increased intake of dry, oily, spicy foods that are too hot or too cold.
Ayurvedic Treatment For Sinusitis
Ayurvedic sinusitis treatment includes panchakarma (ayurvedic detoxification), external therapies, internal medications, specific Ayurvedic herbs, diet, nasal therapies, and lifestyle changes.
The detailed explanations of treatment are as follow:
- Nasya
Nasya karma, also called Nasya, is one of the five detoxification therapies mentioned in Ayurveda. It is an important and effective Ayurvedic treatment to cure sinusitis. In this process, a medicated oil or powder or fresh juice is administered through the nostrils to clear accumulated Kapha.
- Nasya introduces drops of medicated oil into the nasal passages where it penetrates the mucosal lining and promotes healing of the nose and sinus region. It is accompanied by a gentle sinus massage that stimulates energy movement and healing in the area.
- Shirodhara
It is another sinusitis treatment in Panchakarma therapy in which pouring of warm medicated oil is done on the forehead. It is powerful to eliminate Kapha from the respiratory tract.
- Oil Pulling
The practice involves swishing warm oil around the mouth and gums. It is very effective in promoting oral hygiene. Thus this Ayurvedic practice treats sinusitis.
- Neti
Neti pots are small teapot-shaped devices that helps the person pour a saltwater solution into their nasal cavity. It helps to relieve the symptoms of sinus congestion by keeping the mucous membranes moist and functioning.
- Steam inhalation
The main benefit of breathing in moist, warm steam is that it may help to stop feelings of irritation and swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. For faster relief, add either ginger, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, or other medicated herbs (as prescribed) to boiling water in a bowl. Place face over the bowl at a comfortable distance, with a towel over the head, and gently inhale the steam for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times per day. It will reduce congestion.
The Ayurvedic treatment for sinusitis includes Nasya, Shirodhara, oil pulling, Neti, and steam inhalation.
Do’s And Don’ts To Treat Sinusitis
Some of the tips that must follow to prevent sinus infection are:
- Eat warm and cooked food and drink only hot or warm water.
- Include warming spices like black pepper, garlic, ginger, fenugreek, and turmeric regularly in your diet.
- Practice breathing exercises (Pranayama–Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati).
- Avoid exposure to any specific allergens and cool breezes.
- Avoid cold and refrigerated food and drink, including cold water.
- Avoid dairy foods while you are treating sinusitis.
Herbal Formulations
Internal medications for the treatment of sinusitis are:
- Haridra Khanda.
- Chitraka Haritaki.
- Dasamoola Kashayam.
- Chyawanprash.
- Vyoshadi Vatakam.
Ayurvedic Herbs For The Treatment Of Sinusitis
Certain Ayurvedic herbs to cure the symptoms of sinusitis are the following:
- Haridra
Haridra is a yellow herb with a pungent flavor. Curcuminoids, a key ingredient in Haridra, fight inflammation in the body. As a result, it is considered a herbal remedy for sinusitis.
- Holy Basil or Tulsi
The medicinal plant Tulsi or Holy Basil is known as the king of herbs. Its antioxidant properties treat a variety of ailments, including chronic sinusitis. Tulsi's anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties help fight sinus infections.
- To get a good relief, grind fresh tulsi leaves and add warm water to them to prepare an aromatic tea that is beneficial for sinusitis. .
- Neem
Neem is another herb that can be used as an Ayurvedic herb to cure sinusitis. The anti-bacterial properties in neem act as a powerful remedy to treat and prevent Sinus infections, while the anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the swelling in the sinus, reducing blockage.
- Cumin
Cumin contains a lot of antioxidants. The anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties in cumin seeds help fight inflammation as well as fluid build-up caused by sinus infections. .
- Ashwagandha
It contains antioxidants and shows anti-inflammatory properties. Its intake can help to cure sinusitis and improve your immune system.
- Giloy
It contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are very helpful to fight sinusitis. It provides strength to the immune system by removing toxins from the body. Thus it cures Sinus infection.
- Licorice or Mulethi
It is an effective ayurvedic remedy to relieve inflammation caused by sinusitis. The regular intake of Licorice helps you to reduce congestion.
- Punarnava
Punarnava is a sweet-tasting herb that works well as an antioxidant and blood purifier. It also provides a helpful remedy for sinusitis.
Sinusitis is swelling caused by a sinus infection. Haridra, tulsi, neem, cumin, Ashwagandha, Giloy, Licorice, Punarnava, and other herbs are used to treat sinusitis.
All the information related to Sinusitis is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before using herbs and herbal medicines for the treatment.