Ingredients, Benefits, Medicinal Properties, Dosages, And Side Effects Of Ahiphenasava
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Ahiphenasava is traditional Ayurvedic medicine in the form of liquid. Ahinesava is very effective in the treatment of severe diarrhea, dysentery, and gastroenteritis. The primary ingredient of Ahiphenasava is Ahiphena( papaver somniferum). This polyherbal formulation contains self-generated alcohol.
The significance of Ahiphenasava has been mentioned in ancient scriptures like Bhaishajyaratnavali. Ahiphenasava is rich in analgesic, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, sedative, antispasmodic, and antidiarrheal properties.
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Ingredients Of Ahiphenasava
Ahinesava is rich in potent herbs with powerful medicinal properties.
- Madhuka Madya( rectified spirit) 4.800L.
- Ela ( Cardamom) - Elettaria Cardamomum- 48g.
- Phaniphena (Ahiphena) - Papaver Somniferum- 192g.
- Mustaka - nut grass- Cyperus rotundus- 48g.
- Indra Yava - Kutaja- Holarrhena Antidysenterica Seeds- 48g.
- Jatiphala- Nutmeg-Myristica fragrans- 48g.
The ingredients of Ahinesava are madhuka madya, ela, ahiphena, mustaka, indra yava, and jatiphala.
Medicinal Properties Of Aphiphenasava
The powerful herbs contained in Ahaniphenasava are rich in medicinal properties like:
- Analgesic.
- Antidiarrheal.
- Antispasmodic.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Sedative.
- Anti-microbial.
Ahiphenasava is rich in analgesic, antidiarrheal, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and sedative properties.
Therapeutic Indications Of Ahiphenasava
Ahiphenasava is found to be very effective in the treatment of the following health conditions:
- Atisara (Severe diarrhea).
- Visuchika(Dysentery).
- Daruna (Gastroenteritis).
- Cholera.
- Abdominal pain and cramps.
Ayurvedic Properties Of Ahiphenasava
- Rasa : Kashaya.
- Guna : Laghu and Ruksha.
- Virya : Ushna.
- Vipaka : Katu.
Health Benefits Of Ahiphenasava
- Treats Diarrhea
Ahiphenasava is very effective in the treatment of diarrhea. It can reduce the frequency of bowel movements and can prevent the abdominal pain associated with diarrhea. It slows down intestinal movement naturally. The anti-inflammatory properties of Ahiphenasava help to get rid of intestinal inflammation in the colon region during diarrhea.
- Treats Cholera
Cholera is a chronic diarrheal condition as a result of consumption of food or water that is contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. The antimicrobial properties of Ahiphenasava help to prevent bacterial infections, muscle cramps and reduce the frequency of loose tools.
- Teats Dysentery
The antimicrobial action of Ahiphenasava helps to prevent the entry of microorganisms into the body that cause acute dysentery. .
- Treats Gastroenteritis
Gastroenteritis is known as the inflammation of the digestive system. The anti-inflammatory properties of Ahiphenasava help to prevent the symptoms of gastroenteritis positively.
- Treats abdominal pain and cramps
The analgesic and sedative properties of Ahiphenasava helps to get rid of abdominal pain and cramps. .
Ahiphenasava is found to be effective in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, gastroenteritis, and abdominal pain.
Dosage Of Ahiphenasava
- The General recommended dosage of Ahiphenasava for adults is 5 to 10 drops alone or mixed with an equal quantity of water twice a day.
- Children above 5 years can take 1-2 drops with the required proportion of water twice a day.
Side Effects Of Ahiphenasava
- There are no side effects reported with the use of Ahiphenasava so far. Overdoses may cause constipation, nausea, or vomiting sometimes.
- Ahiphenasava is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation periods.
- Ahiphenasava is not recommended if you are suffering from constipation.
The information mentioned above was collected from ancient Ayurvedic resources. Kindly get the advice of your Ayurvedic practitioner before starting self-medication.
- Bhaishajya Ratnavali- Adhisaradhikara- 100-101.