Ingredients, Preparation Method, And Benefits Of Karkidaka Kanji

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Karkidaka Kanji
According to Ayurveda, the Malayalam month of Karkidaka is the time when the monsoon rains are at their peak. Karkidaka is considered the most suitable time for rejuvenation therapies to regain strength and improve your immunity. Karkidaka chikitsa, which focuses on detoxification of the body and prevention of monsoon-related diseases. During these periods, Karkidaka Kanji is a traditional medicinal rice soup consumed by the people as part of Karkidaka chikitsa. The Kanji increases the digestive capacity and strengthens the body. It is the best medicine to provide immunity for the upcoming year.
The Kanji is generally prepared using Njavara rice, spices, and various other herbs like Sida Cordifolia, Boerhavia diffusa, Mimosa pudica, the extract of ‘Dashapusham’ etc. The ingredients and preparation of Karkidaka kanji varied in the different regions according to the availability of plants. These ingredients are very effective for treating monsoon fevers at bay and prevent you from some of the common diseases of the rainy season. It is also called Oushadha Kanji. The ideal time to take it is during supper in the Malayalam month of Karkidakam (July-August). Thus the Oushadha (medicine) kanji helps you get rejuvenated for the monsoon.
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Ingredients Of Oushadha Kanji Or Karkidaka Kanji
The key ingredients include:
- Oryzasativa - Njavara rice.
- Cuminum cyminum - Cumin seed-jeera.
- Triticum aestivum - Wheat.
- Trigonella foenum-graecum - fenugreek-Uluva.
- Tachyspermum ammi- Ajwain-Ayamodakam.
- Zingiber Officinale -Ginger.
- Piper nigrum -Black Pepper.
- Elettaria cardamomum - Cardamom-Elem.
- Syzygium aromaticum - Clove.
- Biophytum candolleanum - Tropical Little Tree Plant-Mukkutti.
- Cardiospermum halicacabum - Balloon Vine- Uzhinja.
- Emilia sonchifolia - lilac tassel flower - Muyalchevian/ Orichozhiyan.
- Boerhavia diffusa - Punarnava- Thazhuthama.
- Sida cordifolia, Bala-Kurunthotti.
- Mimosa pudica - touch me not-Thottal vaati.
The major ingredients contained in Karkidaka kanji are Njavara rice, cumin seeds, wheat, fenugreek, ajwain, ginger, black pepper, cardamom, clove, Mukkutti, balloon vine, Muyal Cheviyan, Punarnava, Bala, and touch me not plant.
Method Of Preparation
For preparing Karkidaka Kanji, the first step is to cut all the fresh ingredients and crush them for extracting the juice. Then boil the extract with an equal amount of water. Njavara rice, green gram, fenugreek, spices, and other dry ingredients are added to the boiling extract and cooked well. Once the rice is cooked, coconut milk is added to the mixture. Finally, fry shallots in fresh ghee and mix with the Kanji and serve hot. The kanji normally taste bitter, so salt or palm Jaggery can be used to reduce bitterness.
Benefits Of Karkidaka Kanji
Karkidaka kanji have a wide range of health benefits and provide management for the improvement of the general health of the individual. According to Ayurveda, it is recommended to have Karkidaka Kanji continuously either for 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, or 28 days for optimum results. The main health benefits are as follow:
- Karkidaka kanji (medicated porridge) is consumed as part of Karkidaka chikitsa during the Malayalam month Karkidakam. The Kanji helps to mitigate the imbalance of Tridoshas and improve the digestive activity of the body.
- The Kanji is prepared with easily digestible cereals, spices, herbs, and fresh plant extracts. It is considered ideal for people with diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, arthritis, obesity, lumbar and cervical spondylosis, etc.
- It has a rich source of carbohydrates, proteins, dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals. So the Karkidaka kanji will provide immunity for the whole upcoming year and help in regaining strength.
- The presence of Njavara rice acts as a diuretic and boosts immunity. It helps deal with diseases of the bones, digestive disorders, and skin infections. Njavara rice is also used as kizhi (pack) for massages.
- The other important ingredient in Karkidaka kanji is Dasapushpam. These 10 flowers have medicinal properties like antioxidants, diuretics, aid in bowel movement, boost immunity, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. So it is very effective for treating a variety of ailments.
- The dry ingredients are beneficial for adding flavor and are also said to cool the body, aid digestion, stimulate appetite and treat skin disorders. Fenugreek seeds and garden cress are loaded with vitamins and are storehouses of minerals.
- The presence of Coconut milk extract or paste enhances the flavor and adds fat content to the gruel without extra oil.
- Another important content is Ghee and shallots. Ghee also provides the fat content. Fat aids in the lubrication of our joints. The Shallots add flavor and have cooling properties, which would manage the heat of the body. Their antibacterial property fights against infection and provides energy. .
- It rejuvenates your body during monsoon season. So it treats monsoon-related ailments like fever, cough, arthritis, etc. at bay.
- It is an effective Ayurvedic medicine that removes toxins from the body. It is good for regulating diabetes and cholesterol.
Karkidaka kanji is a medicated porridge made using easily digestible cereals, spices, herbs, and fresh plant extracts. The admiration of Karkidaka kanji provides promising results due to the phytochemical properties and therapeutic values of cereals, spices, and plants used for its preparation. The rejuvenating effect of Karkidaka kanji is a well-established tradition of Kerala. It boosts immunity, treats monsoon-related ailments like fever, cough, arthritis, helps in detoxification, aids digestion, reduces cholesterol, improves bowel movement, etc. It also provides energy to the body.
All the information related to Karkidaka Kanji is based on various Ayurvedic resources. Always prefer the advice of an Ayurvedic doctor before using herbs for the preparation of this Ayurveda medicine.